Community Impact

Community Impact

SALTO ESC is part of the continuous process of exploring community impact of learning mobility, which is implemented by the members of the European Platform on Learning Mobility. Recent developments in European youth policies and programmes show that more emphasis is put on understanding the impact not only on the individual level, but also on the local community or wider society.

Having impact on the local community is one of the main aims and values of the volunteering activities carried out within the European Solidarity Corps Programme. SALTO ESC has been working together with experts and partners (eg.: European Platform on Learning Mobility) on the understanding of how the impact mechanism work and how the impact of projects can be amplified.

Discover our related publications and events to this topic.

Exploring and Celebrating Impact in European Solidarity Corps Activities – Training, Limassol, Cyprus, 23-27 October 2023

Report of the training

During our seminar "Community Impact in Practice" in October 2021 we recorded an introduction to the Practical Guide by one of its authors, Susie Nicodemi:

The report of the seminar is available here.

Would you like to get inspired by best practices on creating community impact through solidarity?

Find a reserach exploration By Adina Șerban, Clara Drammeh and Dan Moxon here

In the upcoming years we plan to host additional seminars on Community Impact for practitioners and continue our cooperation with partners in the EPLM, especially on Community Impact Indicators for Learning Mobility.


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