Calendar of training for volunteers in 2024

Here you can find the calendar as well as registration forms for obligatory Training and Evaluation Cycle (TEC): On-arrival Training (OAT) and Mid-Term Evaluation (MTM) for volunteers doing their service in Eastern Partnership countries.

To understand the calendar of volunteers' training courses in Eastern Europe and Caucasus, please have a look first at the rules presented below the calendar!

If you would like to register more than 3 volunteers, please use this form and send it to us at : (CC: ), with information which region (Caucasus/Moldova) is concerned.

Training courses for volunteers hosted in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

When (SMALL CHANGES POSSIBLE) Where Registration

OAT: 12-16 March

MTM #1: 17-20 March

MTM: #2: 21-24 March

residential (Bakuriani)

residential (Bakuriani)

residential (Bakuriani)

registration closed

MTM: 16-19 June

OAT: 24-28 June

residential (Kobuleti)


registration closed

registration closed

OAT: 23-27 September (NEW DATES!)

MTM: 15-18 September

residential (Kobuleti)


registration closed

registration closed

OAT: 05-09 November

MTM: 10-13 November

planned in Bakuriani

registration open (deadline 20.10)

registration open (deadline 20.10)

Training courses for volunteers hosted in Moldova

When (SMALL CHANGES POSSIBLE) Where Registration

OAT: 23-27 March

MTM: 28-31 March
cancelled registration closed

MTM: 12-15 June

OAT: 24-28 June (NEW DATES!)


registration closed

registration closed

OAT: 10-14 September

MTM: 15-18 September

registration closed

registration closed

OAT: 31 October - 04 November

MTM: 05-08 November



contact us for additional registration

Organisations are requested to register their volunteers for particular training at the latest 4 weeks before the activity. Before registering volunteers, please consider:

  • on-arrival training targets volunteers whose projects are long-term (more than 2 months). There is no possibility for our SALTO EECA to offer on-arrival training for short-term volunteers. Project promoters are responsible for such preparation of short-term volunteers.
  • mid-term evaluations are planned only for volunteers whose services are longer than 6 months. SALTO EECA can accept only those mid-term volunteers who are still at least 2 months before end of service period.
  • in case there is less than 6 (5 for online) volunteers for an on-arrival training or mid-term meeting we will need to cancel the training/evaluation and consider inviting volunteers to another activity.
  • in case there is between 6 (5 for online) and 10 volunteers, we might decide to shorten the activity to 2 working days.
  • in case there is more than 25 volunteers for an on-arrival training or mid-term evaluation, we will consider organising additional activity (also possible that it could be organised in the more convenient country for volunteers, then the one stated in the calendar);
  • all hosting costs of volunteers' training/evaluations will be covered by organiser - SALTO EECA; travel costs will be reimbursed during activity in cash on the base of original tickets (including copies of return ones), only 2nd class inter-city land transportation expenditures (buses, trains: plackartnyj or kupiejnyj) will be reimbursed (no city buses nor taxi); only in exceptional cases SALTO EECA can buy the flight ticket for volunteer (flights are not subject for reimbursement); if necessary, additional visa costs should be considered by promoters at the project application level;

Exceptions are possible, so if you have any doubts, remarks or proposals, please contact us at


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