Youth Exchange "It's on you"

The APV and youth exchange in Idrija, Slovenia for 30 young people from all over Europe will focus on breaking stereotypes through group and personal challenges

We are excited to upgrade our already successful exchange from last year, Stereotype destroyers, and develop it into something more creative, more challenging and more fun! We will mainly be focusing on creating an impact in todays society, breaking different stereotypes and tear down our social taboos, all with the help of fun tasks and activities. Expect a lot of debates, creating videos and other media, learning about different cultures, also culinarily, and most importantly be ready to step out of your comfort zone and experience new adventures. During the exchange you will be faced with diff erent challenges, similar to real life ones happening every day in our society,
where it will be crucial to work together and overcome them. They will participate at some challenge outdoor, so participates need to take care about this information and they need to be ready to spend a few days outside in the nature of our youth center.
We strongly believe that culture and art can change the world, that is why we will have a lot of creative tasks ready for you to explore and find new, innovative solutions for them.
The youth exchange will consist of 30 participants and group leaders from different European countries.
Get ready to make a lot of new friends, learn a lot and just have fun!

Participants :
The age limit for this exchange is from 16 to 22. The number of participants per country will be 5 (4 youngsters + 1 group leader, who should be 18+ and, already have experience with joining a youth exchange).
It’s important that the participants are prepared for active cooperation, ready to explore different problems and find solutions for them, break rusty stereotypes and are open for new ideas. They should be motivated to follow the program around the topics of stereotypes, creation and dialogue, cultural prejudices and also be ready to be active, because we will be spending quite sometime outside in our beautiful nature. They should also be interested
in meeting new people, cultures and open for learning about others and their background.

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Project overview

Youth Exchange "It's on you" is a project by
Youth center Idrija (Mladinski center Idrija)
taking place
from 2023-04-26 till 2023-05-08
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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