The project "Youth Entrepreneurship" aim is to develop their abilities knowledges and skills in entrepreneurship and the labour market.

E.t.s. Ermes, association non-profit of young graduates and professionals, been born for spreading the European culture and it promotes the opportunities of social, racial and cultural integration in breast to the European union, through activity of formation, also of the young people and of the workers, inside the Countries Members, juvenile exchanges, cultural exchanges, visits of study, raced of formation and orientation, it has intention to introduce a proposal progettuale from the title "Youth Entrepreneurship" within the program Erasmus+ KA 1 - Youth Mobility, with expiration 29/04/2019, and it would be proud to be able to have you as partner of the aforesaid project.
The project "Youth Entrepreneurship" it founds him on the demands of the young participants of 5 countries to develop their abilities knowledges and skills in entrepreneurship and the labour market.
The objectives of the "Youth entrepreneurship" project follow the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme, such as combating rising unemployment, particularly among young people. Indeed, with the launch of the Europe 2020 strategy, the European Commission has set among its objectives to increase youth employment to 75%. According to Eurostat statistics, updated to August 2017, the lowest youth unemployment rates were recorded in Germany (6.1%) in Malta (6.3%) and the Czech Republic (6.6%) and the highest in Greece (39.7%) in Spain (33.4%) and in Italy (30.8%). In Italy, as confirmed by Unioncamere, one in ten companies is under 35”. Starting from these assumptions and comparing, during meetings and meetings, with other national and transnational organizations, we felt the need to compare through the instrument of youth exchange what are our ideas to seek solutions to the problem of youth unemployment, but also confront state realities where youth unemployment is falling with reality where it is rising. Certainly youth exchange is a deterrent to youth unemployment, able to develop new creative ideas by turning them into work.
The project helps to pass and share the skills needed in the labour market and which are essential in a competitive environment. The project also supports cooperation and mutual enrichment in the field of non-formal education. Under the Erasmus+ programme, the participating organisations will inform the public about the results achieved and share them, thus increasing the impact of the project and its sustainability.
The objective of the "Youth entrepreneurship" project in this particular key action is to improve the level of key competences and skills of young people, including young people with limited opportunities, supporting their involvement in the labour market, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity.
The intention of the project is to develop in particular the following skills:
• entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship;
• communication and language skills;
•social skills and creativity;
•ability to cooperate on a common problem;
• exchanging experience on entrepreneurship;
• exchange experience on unemployment;
Exchange of experience on labour market problems in partner countries.
These skills will be developed through non-formal activities such as:
• The workshop
• Debates of the European Parliament
• presentations of the
• Workshops of ideas (to stimulate entrepreneurial creativity)
• Two days of non-formal training (with a particular focus on the startup sector- CV- Business Model canvas processing)
• Seminar "Young Social Entrepreneurship" (speakers include young entrepreneurs, experts in the non-profit sector and established non-profit representatives).
Participants will address the possibility of running their own business, exchange information on youth unemployment in partner countries, develop their own ideas about running their own possible future business, how to promote, advertise, implement a business plan, look for opportunities in the labour market, compare for and against an employee and position of an employee, Skills and competences developed on the labour market (writing a good curriculum vitae, successfully passing a job interview etc.), discussed fairness in business and these all means of non-formal activities.

The project participants will be young between 18 and 30 who are active in their organisations, participate in the activities proposed by their organisations and are interested in acquiring new skills and experience at international level. The project is designed primarily for young NEET (not in education, employment or training). There will be 20 people from 5 countries involved in the project (1 leader + 3 boys), a 7-day exchange is planned at the city of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME)- Sicily.
We intend to achieve the following impact on participants: increasing their entrepreneurial skills, language, social and IT skills, their motivation to succeed in the labour market, increase their ability to have creative ideas and further develop them, their ability to see the world through an entrepreneurial eye and the search for opportunities.

Avv. Francesco Mazzeo (President)
Nicoletta Genovese (Project Manager)
E.T.S. Ermes.

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Project overview

YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP- KA1-105 is a project by
taking place
from 2019-08-27 till 2020-08-09
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences

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