Your style - healthy life

Association „Unique projects“ is organizing a project of Youth‘s exchange named "Your style - healthy life", which is going to be in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Association „Unique projects“ is organizing a project of Youth‘s exchange named "Your style - healthy life", which is going to be in Kaunas, Lithuania.
The dates of the main exchanges of the project will be September 12nd through the 19th of 2015.
The planned number of participants - 28 (6 participants + 1 leader), ages 18-24. These are people who want to learn more about healthy lifestyle or who lack motivation to change their lifestyle.
The project is related to a healthy lifestyle - eating regulation, menu generation, introducing a healthy nutrition and regular physical activity, benefits of exercise and sports. It will also include meetings and discussions on healthy lifestyle topics. Participants will change their attitude and thinking to a better and healthier choice of living. They will not only understand that the two most important parts of forming a healthy lifestyle are healthy nutrition + sport, but would develop the motivation and the will to do so. Because a healthy lifestyle is more influenced by a healthy nutrition, about two-thirds of the project will consist of healthy eating and one-third of physical activity - sports themes.

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Project overview

Your style - healthy life is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2015-09-12 till 2015-09-19
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Conflict management
  • Environment
  • European citizenship
  • Gender equality
  • Health
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Youth policy

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