we are looking for partners from Germany for DPJW projects

We are looking for partners from Germany - we want to apply to DPJW with you!

We are Polish state fund organisation named Voluntary Labor Corps (OHP) and we address our actions to young people aged 15-25.

We are looking for new partner organisations from Germany - we want to apply with you to DPJW (Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk) at the beginning of 2014.

Here are our project ideas:

1. House for abandoned dog - the idea of this project is to help local animal shelter with building animal kennels. We also want to discuss problems of abandoned animals, exchange our experiences and think of the other ways to help animals in need. This project could take place in the area of Lanckorona/Myslenice in Poland.

2. From grain to bread - we want to meet with young people from Germany who are interested in baking and confectionery. We could meet in Lanckorona, Poland for 6 days project which would include eg. baking bread, meeting old and modern technologies, making traditional dishes, exchange of recipes, baking cakes and cookies etc.

3. Polish - German football project - the idea is to meet each other via playing football. Young people aged 15-18 could stay in dormitory in our area (Malopolskie Province) and spend 5-6 days together on sport activities. In this project we also want to include national evenings and trips.

We want each project to include integration activities and national evenings because we want to overcome stereotypes and make new friends.

If you have any questions, ideas;
if you want to cooperate with us please let us know:

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Project overview

we are looking for partners from Germany for DPJW projects is a project by
Voluntary Labor Corps
taking place
from 2014 till 2014
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences

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