"Volunteers — Citizens building the future of Europe"-Youth Exchange Project

"Volunteers — Citizens building the future of Europe"-Youth Exchange Project

Volunteering is an individual's willingness to engage in a social enterprise, believing that it is the right thing to do, without expecting financial return or any other benefit, in order to improve the quality of life of people outside his family or close circle, or to achieve a goal that is generally considered to be beneficial to society. or to support activities within a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). By using their knowledge, skills and abilities, volunteers act together with non-governmental organizations and social initiatives to help the society strengthen and develop. Volunteers focus on the benefit of society. The critical point of volunteering is that they work for a purpose only because of their own will. They can work in many fields and issues such as orphans, refugees, disabled people, women, children, stray animals or the environment, and they can be a part of change. Although individuals do not expect any gain in volunteering, their greatest gains are the competencies they acquire.

As can be expected and mentioned, volunteering actions have a lot of benefits both to the individual and to the society. If we talk a little about these, the benefits of volunteering to the person himself; It can be stated as being able to look at people and the environment more sensitively, gaining teamwork, motivation and motivation and communication skills. If the benefits of voluntary movements to the society are mentioned, volunteering is considered as social assistance as well as helping people, and volunteering is an indispensable factor for a healthy development of the society.
Volunteering is a very important factor in the development of social relations between people in society, the formation of value judgments, the increase of social awareness and entrepreneurship, and the offering of different solutions for the emergence of social problems.
Location: Ankara
Project days: 6 days + 2 days travel
Each organization will send 6 participants and 1 group leader.

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Project overview

"Volunteers — Citizens building the future of Europe"-Youth Exchange Project is a project by
Next Generation Youth Team
taking place
from 2023-08-19 till 2024-08-19
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Volunteering
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties

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