Social Skills through Art

Social and vocational skills development through art activities

The Dzherelo Centre, in Lviv, Ukraine, “Social Skills through Art” workshop will provide daily activities for people aged 18 to 35 while developing social and vocational skills for up to sixty people with complex disabilities. Learning to get along with others is a challenge for everyone, especially special needs students. During the workshops, young people will be engaged in creative activities by making handicrafts and painting. All paintings created will be displayed during a charity auction in April 2018. Social integration and participation in the workshops are extremely important for people with special needs. Having an active lifestyle allows people to feel like a part of society, understand their significance in the world, and not feel lonely.
Dzherelo Centre is the only institution in Lviv, which provides services for children and youth with complex disorders. Participation in daily workshops allows individuals with special needs to develop their vocational, communication, and social skills with friends. Social skills support is extremely important for people with special needs in order to develop a higher standard of living. The improvement of availability of disability services is vital as special needs youth are historically underserved or ignored all together, but Dzherelo Centre aims to develop a system of workshop services designed to be sustainable and cost-effective. Dzherelo Centre workshops offer the ability to create a shared platform for improving the lives of whom have special needs.

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Project overview

Social Skills through Art is a project by
Dzherelo Children's Rehabilitation Centre
taking place
from 2015 till 2027
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS), Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Children
  • Disability
  • Integration
  • Non-formal learning
  • Volunteering

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