Rivers Flow Into Life

The purpose of our project is to raise awareness of the cleanliness and protection of rivers.

'Rivers Flow Into Life' YE
Project will be in between 26 April- 5 May 2019 in Sakarya- Turkey. 1 Leader 4 Participants(16- 25 age).

Bulk fish deaths that occur frequently in the province of Sakarya are to improve the sensitivity of the resultant ones and to take responsibility with the volunteer young people in our country about the cleaner of the Sakarya river and to carry out activities that will increase this sensitivity.
Our project specific objectives are;
• Establish public opinion on environmental clean-up and protection of rivers
• Doing poster work for the use of unconscious agricultural medicine,

• To prepare "Clean Environment for Happy Future" panels at the Nehra coastal neighborhood and village schools.

• Providing / contributing to the responsibility of the local people in the 'Ecological Restoration' studies.

• Reading the book on the river side, doing nature walking and environmental cleaning,

• The institutions responsible for protecting rivers and struggling with environmental pollution - Establishments and schools will be targeted and awareness will be given to widespread progeny and cleanliness of water resources.

Can you answer questions as l partner of our 'Rivers Flow Into Life' project? I need to get information from you to write a better quality project.

1. How will you choose the participants and how will you prepare for the project?
2. Could you suggest a creative activity related to the project topic?
3. What will be your dissemination activities?
4. Will you be a disadvantaged participant?
5. Could you give us information about rivers in your country? (numeric data)
6. What kind of working activities will you do to evaluate the project after the implementation of project?

This project has been viewed 242 times.

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Project overview

Rivers Flow Into Life is a project by
KARGENC CLUB(Kargenç Çevre Spor Kulubu)
taking place
from 2019-04-26 till 2019-05-05
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Disability
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles

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