Recognizing Young Entrepreneurs and teaching Entrepreneurship 2019

Recognizing entrepreneurship and can we teach it? YERRF takes on Entrepreneurial Learning & Entrepreneurs Education near Bordeaux France

It will be Entrepreneurs and those with entrepreneurial skills that will create the jobs of the future and boost employment in Europe, if not the world, it is for this reason that the second part of the YERRF project is to widen the awareness of Entrepreneurship (commercially & socially) as both a career option and also as a subject which should be recognized, encouraged and taught in formal education. This project aims to promote Entrepreneurial education and learning into schools, universities and educational institutions.

Presently we need two more candidates to replace those that have to leave early due to University/work commitments.

This project requires 5 partners who are interested in the subject of Entrepreneurship, socially or commercially, and from 5 different programme countries. Partners should be prepared to take an active part in this project and would be expected to contribute throughout the life cycle and with it's final dissemination.

The main activities of this project will be researching the subject of entrepreneurship, preparing learning and teaching materials in the form of games, videos and guides and organizing two seminars.

All materials will be published in paper form and included in the education section on the YERRF Project Website. Partners will benefit from this project and will have access to the published learning materials.

Participants will learn about Entrepreneurship and it importance in societe, in creating and publishing the materials they will also informally learn about researching, marketing, blogging, using social media for projects, project management, website creation, fundamentals of SEO and experience a real cultural exchange in rural south west france.

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Project overview

Recognizing Young Entrepreneurs and teaching Entrepreneurship 2019 is a project by
taking place
from 2019-09-01 till 2019-12-01
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • European citizenship
  • EVS volunteer wanted
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Urban/rural development
  • Volunteering
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
The target group would be those organisations that have candidates who are interested in the subject of Entrepreneurship including start-ups of business and social projects. Partners would propose suitable participants for this project and if accepted they would be Passing on the invitation to the participant; Passing on the volunteer agreement to the participant for signing and completion; Arranging the insurance for their participant; Helping the participant make his/her travel arrangements & visa if required. Ensuring the participant is provided with the Corps Info kit and successfully reads and understands the La Giraudiere Orientation Guide and code of conduct (supplied by us); Preparing the participant for this project and providing support during and at the end of this project; Partners would be taking an active part in the project by contributing to the online notice board and displaying project results on their social media and websites; Participating in the publication and dissemination of project results;

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