Ready to Roll- create your opportunity

RtR: share good practices&learning experiences in the field of urban regeneration and sports among disadvantaged young people and youth-based organizations.

Project title: Ready to Roll- create your opportunity
Dates: 7 days 8-14 September 2019
Venue: Eclettica Street Factory, Via Rochester
Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy.

The Erasmus+ programme for Education , Training, Youth and Sport 2014-2020

Self employment and empowerment, multicultural communication and cooperation, active participation in society, diversity and differences, non-discrimination.

Target groups/participants:
-3/4Young people under the age of 30
-Able to communicate in English ( intermediate level)
- Willing to act as a multiplier of good practices in their local communities upon their return home.

The actual international landscape is marked by conflict scenarios, economic and social cleavages, which cause mass migration from the poorest and most disadvantaged countries, poverty and distrust . The realm of nowadays is challenging and require commitment to the values of respect of human dignity, fundamental rights, equal opportunities and proper educational environment. Struggles determined by raising rates of young unemployment, economic crisis and ongoing conflicts have led to anti- European movements which are led by ignorance and fear upon future. Among other problems young people who don’t have a life project and are not in search of any job nor education (Neets) are increasing, especially in the most crisis affected countries. The issue to address is to educate a generation of young adults focused on their talent and on their possibility to succeed in their own life as a key to empowerment.

Main Objective:
Overall objective is to nourish a generation of empowered adults, self conscious of their own talents with the scope of being an active citizen in his own local community and address his objectives with the double aim to create more job opportunities and a better future in their own towns.

Specific objectives:
- To share good practices and learning experiences in the field of urban generation and sports (roller skating, skateboard, street ball, calisthenics and outdoor workout) among disadvantaged young people and youth-based organizations in Europe.
- To promote intercultural dialogue and understanding between young people with different cultural background as an engine of integration and tolerance in urban spaces.
- Increased knowledge, key competences and employable tools related to urban generation and sport of young people and group leaders from all participating organizations.
- Inspire young people and group leaders to recreate in their local communities an opportunity of self employment and regeneration while being inspired by experience of the managers of the formerly abandoned sport structure (“Street Factory Eclettica”) which created their own opportunity to remain in their own hometown with a creative and innovative idea of urban regeneration.
- Facilitated networking and partnership between young people and their organizations to increase opportunity of cultural exchanges in the field urban regeneration and sport.

The activities are focused on the acquisition of new tools for self empowerment and the development of good cooperation.The YE will provide young people with additional tools based on the principles of the non-formal education. Activities include morning meetings, afternoon and evening, which will be implemented in the context of the “Street Factory Eclettica” Project of urban regeneration. The activities will be held in a sport and artistic environment, mainly outdoor, to allow the participants to use the various sport facilities in the structure. In the implementation will be included sport activities (with a particular focus on street sports and sports on wheels), interactive performances, simulations of social reality and group activities. Furthermore the exchange will provide to the participants the opportunity to explore a different culture and a different social context through activities designed in order to trigger reciprocal knowing and integration.

-Peer and cooperative learning, including group work, creative brainstorming, role play, buzz groups.
- Forum theatre
-Experiential learning and "learning by doing"
-Game-Based Learning Approach
-Problem Based Learning (PBL)
- Overall the four pillars of learning of UNESCO: Learning to know, Learning to do, Learning to be, Learning to live together.

- Ensure cooperation and appropriate collaboration with other project partners throughout the project.
- Selection of 3/4 participants
- Support participants in preparation before departure in cooperation with Eclettica
- Contribute actively to the YE development.
- Support participants in the development of follow-up activities upon their return home.
- Actively involved in the dissemination and exploitation of results

According to the grant support to travel costs in the Erasmus+ Programme, travel distances have been calculated using the distance calculator provided below:
- Travel costs for each participants are covered 100% up to theflate rate as indicated in the programme guidelines. Possible extra costs should be covered by sending organizations or participatnsthemseleves.
- Accommodation and food are covered 100% for the entire duration of the seminar.
- Visa expenses (if any) are covered 100%

Participants will be required to book their flight tickets on their own. Reimbursement will be made via participants’ organization bank account upon full attendance of the YE and reception of the participants’ original flight tickets.

Non-profit making organisation or association, a local or regional public body, or an informal group of young people from the programme countries and the EUROMED Partnership

If you are interested to take part, please fill in and send ” duly completed
- The “partner info-form”
- The “mandate” in scanned copy including signature of the legal representative and stamp of the organization

To the email:

Deadline: 29 January the latest

Associazione sportiva dilettantistica e di promozione sociale
Corso Umberto I, 229
93100 Caltanissetta

ig account: eclettica_
YT channel: Eclettica Channel
FB account: Street Factory eClettica

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Project overview

Ready to Roll- create your opportunity is a project by
Eclettica Street Factory
taking place
from 2019-09-08 till 2019-09-14
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Health
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sports
  • Urban/rural development

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