Parallel Realities

TC Parallel Realities will focus on the topic of stereotypes, prejudices, assumptions and stories we tend to create in our minds.

Training course Parallel Realities - would be focusing on the topic of stereotypes, prejudices, assumptions and stories we tend to create in our minds, help to be more aware of them and learn how to work with them. We will focus on how to create an inclusive environment for young people, irrespective of their background, ethnicity, gender, or other defining factors. The main focus will be on learning how to communicate clearly and effectively to strengthen our relationships - also to prevent prejudices, hate speech, discrimination and support inclusion. We will try to look at reality with a non-judgemental approach using tools from coaching, non-violent communication NLP, nature-based and embodiment practices.This training would be facilitated by Filip Kňažek and Katarína Ružičková (done E-motional TC together - ). There would be little participation fee (max 50-100€).

We have already confirmed partners from Portugal, Netherland, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Romania.

This project has been viewed 109 times.
partners found!

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Project overview

Parallel Realities is a project by
ADEL Slovakia
taking place
from 2024-09-27 till 2024-10-06
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Cultural differences

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