Social media responsability

Social media are omnipresent these days. Most youths have smartphones that allow them to use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others continuously. According to Eurostat, In the EU, 56% of people aged 16-74 participated in social networks in 2018. EU’s social network participation rate has steadily increased since the beginning of the data collection (38% in 2011). Among younger people aged 16 to 24 years, almost 9 in 10 people in the EU participated in social networks (88%).

Social media offer a good opportunity to interact, but however, they also pose many dangers, like “cybercrimes” such as online scams, identity theft, and phishing, to name but a few. Furthermore, especially young people are often victims of online solicitation and extortion, according to Europol. Another issue is so-called “fake news” fictitious news stories that are spread widely on social media channels as well as hateful or racist statements on social media platforms.

Social media transcend borders and are, therefore, a global topic.
All organizations involved in the project have observed the same issues regarding social media with the youth they work with. It, therefore, makes sense to tackle the issue transnationally and learn from the experiences and expertise of other countries. It will also help young people to understand the intercultural and global aspects of social media use.
>>>For more information and for applying for partnership, please send your PIF with a short description of your field of work and how your organization and experience will contribute to the project, at no later than 30.07.2020

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Project overview

MEDIA SOCIALopedia is a project by
Cultural Association JUMP In ITALY
taking place
from 2021-03 till 2023-03
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
and is focusing on:
  • Human rights
  • Innovation
  • Non-formal learning
  • Social media

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