Let's break stereotypes!

The main topic of this multilateral exchange are the stereotypes, their characteristic and the methods of the removal the stereotypes.

The main topic of this multilateral exchange are the stereotypes, their characteristic and the methods of the removal the stereotypes. The stereotype is based on the information surface, listed the people in different categories These categories can prevented the cooperations between the different nations. These stereotypes can make prejudice, discrimination or forcible exclusions. The aim of the exchange to the youngsters get to know about the different stereotypes and they can recognize the generalization. During the project we will talking about the national stereotypes and the social assets. They try to find the disadvantages of the stereotypes and they looking for the solutions. Our goals to decolorize the stereotypes in the youngsters they have to see, what they got from the public opinion and from their parents and how can they show the tolerance into the different cultures group.

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Project overview

Let's break stereotypes! is a project by
"ÚTON" (ON THE WAY) Association
taking place
from 2014-09-02 till 2014-09-11
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Gender equality
  • Human rights
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning

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