Know Your Carbon Footprint

Know your carbon foot print

The extent of the damage, caused by human activities to nature is expressed with the Carbon Footprint. There is also carbon footprint in the food we eat. 22 million tons of food a year goes to waste in Europe So when we waste food we will accelerate global warming by increasing carbon footprint. We shouldn't forget that an amount of energy is spent for every bite we eat. From all green plants to meat products they all have a carbon footprint value.This value shows that how much energy is spent until it reaches your plate.While the broccoli’s carbon foot print is 2 the lamp’s 39.2 and an egg’s value 4.8.There are so many people who never heard about it.So it’s one of our priorities to raise the awereness of individuals about carbon footprint.With this Project we want to prevent food waste and shrink carbon footprint as much as possible.
Our goals are:
to raise awareness of carbon footprint
To contribute the acquisition of concepts such as energy waste, greenhouse gas effects, sustainability.
To encourage conscious consumption and correct use of natural resources
To develop a methodology depending on investigation which is inquiry based learning.(Students will question the carbon footprint of the food)
Calculating the carbon footprint of the food
Updating the cirruculum for a greener Europe
Promoting the students the idea of being an active citizen about the environment
improving students' digital competence and creativity
Adopting teamwork by collaborating with organisations and schools
This work also aims the teacher training.It will enable teachers to work collaboratively by increasing their competence and expertises.
Italy and Turkey are already partners and
We are looking for THE COORDINATOR for our project.

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Project overview

Know Your Carbon Footprint is a project by
Sefer Demir Science and Art Center
taking place
from 2021-12-11 till 2023-12-11
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles
The target group 11- 15 years old.

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