Handmade - a way to creativity, relaxation, self-employement

Youth exchange in Slovakia for 36 young people about handmade production - how to create handmade, relax and self-employ throught creative techniques.

Topic of this youth exchange is creative art techniques, hand-made products in the context of business opportunities for young people.

Most of young people spend free time by computers, IT, on internet... But sometimes people need to do in free time anything else. Today we can see that continuously more and more youngsters tend to handicrafts, creative handmade... One of reasons is a fact too that youngs would like to be different and they like to wear and use anything original.

- to learn new creative and handmade techniques (for example decoupage, scrapbooking, jewellery creating...)
- to discover how we can use in handmade old materials and rubbish as RECY art
- to increase sense for eco-thinking by learning of recy-art
- to give and improve ideas about self-employment through hobbys like creative techniques and handmade
- to share traditional art techniques of handmade production from each country

creative workshops, role playing, presentation about self-employment, group work about enterpreneurship in countries, energisers, excursion

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Project overview

Handmade - a way to creativity, relaxation, self-employement is a project by
non-formal group Cardio Youngs
taking place
from 2016-06-20 till 2016-06-30
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Entrepreneurship
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Disability
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles
We need 6 youngsters + leader from each country in age mostly between 18 - 25 (exception possible), with interest in creative techniques and handmade production (for example decoupage, jewellery making, scrapbooking and others). Support from partners - to be involved in preparing of programm: be possible to learn any technique and learn any traditional technique from own country.

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