Get safe!

This exchange is to share good practices an experiencies around safety at job in any labour sector related to youth employees.

International Labour Organization’s (ILO) defines young workers as those within the age group of 15 to 24 years. This group also includes children who are legally defined as anyone under the age of 18 years of age and adolescents between the ages of 15 to 18 years of age who are defined as no longer in education. Within the 15 to 24 year old age group are full and part-time workers; temporary workers; young workers still in full-time education who are working part-time to supplement their income either throughout the year or vacation time only; apprentices contracted to an employer, usually on a full time basis and trainees between the ages of 15 to 24 years in non-contractual work. What they all have in common is their lack of workplace experience and relative immaturity, which means they may not always be fully aware of how their work affects not only their own occupational safety and health (OSH) but the OSH of those around them. Young workers may also be unsure or afraid to ask for help or information because they are not used to questioning an adult. As a result, compared with the rest of the workforce, young workers are 50% more likely to be involved in an accident at work.

Such a project has a main aim: to debate and discuss about this situation in our countries and all around Europe, giving ideas and potential solutions to these problems.

This project has been viewed 310 times.

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Project overview

Get safe! is a project by
Asociacion AIGB
taking place
from 2016-04-28 till 2016-05-04
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Health
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
This is a project for people that works or just wants to know what is going on in labour market related with safety.

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