Get Healthy!

Youth Exchange: Achieving a healthy lifestyle through (using physical education and nutrition) non-formal learning methods

Statistical data shows that young people’s life style is overwhelmingly unhealthy. According to Eurostat (EU Statistics Center) statistics, only 30% of young people have a daily mobility activity and almost 70% have a disorganized diet.

Therefore, achieving a healthy lifestyle through (using physical education and nutrition) non-formal learning methods is the project’s aim, involving young people from different cultures and disadvantaged groups – 42 young people (out of which 5 disadvantaged groups) on a 6-month period, with intensive activities for 8 days in Timisoara.

O1. Informing and educating 42 young people (and other target groups) on healthy diets for 6 months with intensive activities for 7 days in Timisoara (this objective is in line with the general objectives of the program as set out in the Renewed Framework European cooperation in the youth field - 2010-2018 and the 2020 Strategy)

O 2. Understand the benefits of sport and other regular physical activities by 42 young people (and other target groups) for 6 months with intensive activities for 7 days in Timisoara. This objective is in line with the youth priority that promotes healthy behaviors, in particular the practice of outdoor activities and mass sports as a means of promoting a healthy lifestyle. This objective is also in line with one of the general objectives of the program, namely the development of the European dimension in sport, in particular mass sports, in line with the EU Work Plan for Sport.

O3. Involvement of young people in non-formal activities and development of skills and abilities in the use of non-formal education as a methodology for completing other learning methods, 42 young people for 6 months with intensive activities of 8 days in Timisoara Romania)

O4. Developing a tolerant approach and tolerant of young participants (openness to other cultures, multiculturalism) and an inclusive attitude (inclusion of disadvantaged young people in the exchange activities – 6 young people)

-Partners countries: 6 partners + host organization (Romania)
-Each partner will send 5 participants + 1 youth leader
-Participants should be aged 20 or above. Maximum age limit is 30 years old.

Activity dates: 21 April 2020 – 28 April 2020, Timisoara, Romania

(1) Please fill the questionnaire attached
(2) Please send us the PIF of your organisation

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Project overview

Get Healthy! is a project by
Center of Strategies for Youth Development
taking place
from 2020-01-01 till 2020-11-30
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Health
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sports
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles

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