Fight against the rise of extremism, populism, nationalism and radicalization in Europe

Establishment cooperation network of non-profit youth organizations and youth to work in the fight against extremism, populism, nationalism and radicalization.

60 years after the signing of the Treaty of Rome, the whole of Europe is experiencing a period of withdrawal and rising extremism, populism, nationalism and radicalization, questioning the construction of the European Union ...

As youth have an important role to play in the fight against these phenomena, we want to set up a network of cooperation of actors in the youth sector. We will be offering to youth workers and youth from 12 EU / ALE / Candidate Countries to work with us for 2 years on the theme: "Rising extremism, populism, nationalism and radicalisations in Europe ".
What attracts young people in extreme movements? What programs / youth actions can fight against this phenomenon? How effective are they with young people?

Links to the call for proposals EACEA/26/2017 (2017/C 348/09)

For interested organizations, thank you for responding urgently
Deadline the call for proposals : December 14th

Your Contact person: KASALI Mariko & LECLERC Claude

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Project overview

Fight against the rise of extremism, populism, nationalism and radicalization in Europe is a project by
Club pour l'UNESCO Jean Laurain- Metz
taking place
from 2018 till 2020
This project relates to:
Capacity Building, Meetings between young people and decision-makers
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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