Emotional s.UP.port (only program countries) in Lithuania


Training course for Youth workers, youth workers and people who work with socially vulnerable target groups.
Up to 30 participants from 10 countries!
Dates 23-27th of August, 2017 (5 days) in Lithuania;
2-3 participants per country.

Most of us pay close attention to our health and treat threats to our physical well-being as soon as they occur. We dress warmly when we feel a cold coming on, we apply bandages to cuts and scrapes, and we don’t pick at scabs as they heal. We sustain psychological injuries just as often as we do physical ones, but we are much less proactive about protecting our psychological well-being than we are our physical well-being, let alone about helping other to maintain his.
Building your emotional “muscles” is just like pumping iron at the gym. With regular practice, you can improve how you feel, how you handle challenges and how you can help others in a more constructive way.

This 5 day training course (+two travel days) will provide information on emotional heaLth and emotional support techniques that can and could be used in various situations with different target groups. Training course will have two main parts: theory and practice (forum theatre, role play and other methods). Three trainers that have experience in work with different target groups, volunteered in help lines will carry out training course. One trainer is certified Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) program trainer and is currently applying her knowledge in Lithuania.

Foreseen Learning outcomes and/or rudiments;
-Recognise situations and people in need of emotional support;
-Develop active listening skills and learn to apply them in practice;
-Familiarise with benefits of active listening skills;
-Develop ability of self reflection;
-Learn the benefits of understanding our own emotions;
-Develop positive attitude towards emotional support and active listening;
-Learn to recognize people at risk of suicide;
-Be able to ask directly and openly about thoughts of suicide;
-Learn the basic skills in helping a person at risk of suicide;
-Understand importance of emotional support for socially vulnerable groups;
-Better understand specifics of emotional support for people of socially vulnerable groups;
-Learn to better understand our own attitudes towards suicide;
-Learn to better understand our own attitudes towards different socially vulnerable groups;
-Develop a "self-care plan" for emotional fatigue situations (learning how to take care of yourself as well);

If you are interested in this project, please do not hesitate and contact us not later than 26th of April 11 p.m. with:
- PIF via provided contacts.
- Signed Mandate copy.

Thank you very much in advance for your interest!

This project has been viewed 262 times.

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Project overview

Emotional s.UP.port (only program countries) in Lithuania is a project by
VšĮ "Tarptautinis bendradarbiavimo centras"
taking place
from 2017-08-26 till 2017-08-27
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Health
  • Non-formal learning
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Disability
Organizations worker with physical disability or in a wheelchair.

Short URL to this project:


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