"EvSPERANTO" is a Partnership buiolding activity that aims to increase the number of refugees and migrants in EVS projects.

The potential of EVS programmes' impact on personal development and community improvement can be used by European NGO-s for integration of migrants and refugees locally and internationally. This could be seen also as a great stimulus to achievement of one priorities of 2016 Erasmus+ programme; It will help refugees, migrants and generally youth with cultural difference to improve foreign language skills, intercultural competences, it will promote solidarity, tolerance, respect and mutual understanding among young people. Unfortunately in today's reality we see very few organizations who include integration of refugees(According to European Youth Portal only one) or migrants issues(only two; see same source) in their EVS projects agenda. Also among major host countries for refugees as Germany or Austria there are very few EVS projects that have as a target group refugees or migrants.

"EvSPERANTO" is a Partnership building activity that aims to increase the number of young people with cultural differences, particularly refugees and migrants in EVS projects. During the project sharing of the best practices of successful countries on refugees and migrants integration, discovering new opportunities and tools for integration, receiving input from trainers and experts, field visits and group
discussions will lead to a creation of a contemporary methods that will be used by youth workers in contributing to their organizations capacity in establishing or adapting EVS projects aiming to integrate people with cultural differences locally and internationally.

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Project overview

E(v)SPREANTO is a project by
Armenian Progressive Youth
taking place
from 2017-03-10 till 2017-03-17
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Integration
  • Minorities
  • Volunteering
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences

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