Cultural Foods Against Obesity!!

This project's aim is ask a question "What can we and youth person do against the obesity? "

Nowadays, obesity is a big problem for all people.especially young people from every society are getting fat and becoming unhealthy. Fast food vulture spreading all over the world makes young people more unhealthy eating habbits.
The aim of the project is to introduce changes in the eating habits of each community by introducing culturel and heathy foods.
During the project, which foods can be eaten in order to be healthy, which activities can be done and generalnutrition regular information about the culturel dishes and cultural awareness will be introduced by the promotion of students.
The meals determined during the visits will bw cooked and introduced to the students and different tastes will be learned.

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Project overview

Cultural Foods Against Obesity!! is a project by
Osmangazi Anadolu Lisesi
taking place
from 2019-09-10 till 2020-02-10
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • European citizenship
  • Health
  • Non-formal learning

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