Crossing Borders 2020- Looking for (Northern) Irish partner

A youth exchange between (Northern)Irish and German youngsters to lean about history and present. To understand and overcome geographical and their own borders.

Belfast and Berlin are capitals that have a shared history of being divided by walls while also
Germany and the island of Ireland have been and are divided by a border. In either case, to grow up
northern Irish with an infamous “peace wall” in the neighbourhood or when faced with new extremist
inclinations in a supposedly liberal Germany, as a young person, the past and the present shape
one’s identities and actions. Many political campaigns worldwide have called for efforts to unite
communities and to foster reconciliation. There are living examples where intercultural Youth
Exchange programmes with young people from antagonised sides have initiated a turning point of
long term peace processes (e.g. German and French youth exchange). In the light of Brexit and the
potential for new waves of extremist and political divisions, our project will have a lasting positive
impact on the young people and youth work staff.
Our project is based on the partnership between the Youth Hostel Association Northern Ireland
(YHANI) and the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH)- but we looking for a third organization. It is aimed at people aged 16 to 25 from
both countries. Each group will consist of 10 young people who will be accompanied by two youth
work staff. The complete group of 20 young people and four youth work staff will spend all together two weeks: first one in Germany (Berlin)
and following in Northern Ireland (Whitepark Bay and Belfast).
Call for the German participants and pictures:

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Project overview

Crossing Borders 2020- Looking for (Northern) Irish partner is a project by
DJH - Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk e.V.
taking place
from 2020-07-18 till 2020-07-31
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Peace and conflict

Short URL to this project:

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