
This project is a statement about tolerance and diversity. Young people will work together in order to express their fears and to understand each other.

Europeans have started to be more and more responsive to racist and xenophobic rhetoric. Multiculturalism has failed. Young people are part of this history unfolding. Nevertheless, they can still see the advantages of the times we are living. This project is a statement about tolerance and diversity in the new social context. Young people will work together in order to express their fears, feelings and to understand the other.
At the same time, formal education is growing less adequate to the needs of young people. Non-formal education is the response and theater and other complementary artistic methods are soft solutions that make people react.

Participants: 35 Young people aged 18-35 from 5 different countries. They have to fulfill one essential condition: to be creative and passionate about: theater, literature, photography or installations


1. To understand the need of tolerance and to understand the benefits that stem from a tolerant behavior- through theater techniques, introspection, role play and
2. To become aware of their creativity in a given context: tolerance and non-discrimination.
3. To produce 4 cultural statements on the topic of tolerance: a theater play, a photography exhibition and an installation, a short story.
4. To work together with creative young people from 5 different countries.

This project has been viewed 43 times.

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Project overview

taking place
from 2018-06-15 till 2018-06-24
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges

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