A Search for New Values

A Search for New Values

A Search for New Values
It could be said that the future of ourselves and this planet depends upon the values held by each individual and that the dilemmas and challenges facing humanity are calling for a fresh look at what we truly value and why. This process will provide the opportunity to explore a wide range of questions such as:
How well do I know myself and what it is I truly value?
How have my values been formed, have they been adopted or self-chosen?
Are my values of benefit to those I share my life with, to the country I live within, and to the planet itself?
How do I express my values in the way I live my life?
How do I communicate to others what I value?
Do my values need to evolve in order to offer a better future for myself and the world I live upon?
How might that happen?
Are there processes that allow the building and deepening of the value life?
How do we build that inner strength and resilience within ourselves to not only handle the future but play a part in its evolution?

This is an inner searching process, leading to greater self-awareness for those who want to live from deeper and more sustained values. Working with facilitators at Waunifor, we will open up this topic through a range of creative activities: painting, drawing, collage, ceramics, creative writing, theatre, singing , storytelling, creating videos and podcasts, walks in the glorious countryside, contemplations and of course a great deal of conversation and more!
This process for Youth Workers will take place at Waunifor (www.wauniforcentre.com) and seeks to develop the following competencies over 7 days in March 2020:
1. The ability to experience and feel that value life within in a person.
2. Knowing its nature and starting to see understand how it works within a life.
3. Being able to facilitate the same process within others.
These are crucial competencies in working with young people who seek to express and give value to what it is that is occurring within themselves and in the world around them.

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Project overview

A Search for New Values is a project by
Waunifor Youth Club
taking place
from 2019-11-01 till 2020-08-31
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Drama and theatre
  • Environment
  • Innovation
  • Media and communication
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles

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