YOUnited z.s.

YOUnited z.s. is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent and generally beneficial association. The organisation, founded in 2023, is located in Kroměříž, Czech republic. Team members of YOUnited z.s. are students and young professionals who are highly motivated and interested in working with young people and developing their potentials. Therefore, YOUnited z.s. focuses all its activities towards youth aged between 13 and 30 years.

Our association off ers youth counseling in various areas and organizes activities for them with elements of informal education. It does so in order to improve their current skills and deepen the knowledge acquired, for example, at school through formal education methods. Furthermore, YOUnited z.s. supports youth in self development, fi nding their own identity, developing their talents and strengths, as well as accepting and overcoming their weaknesses.

Thanks to the international Erasmus+ projects, YOUnited z.s. helps young people to broaden their horizons, teaches them how to have no prejudices towards foreign cultures and strengthens their self-confi dence in an intercultural environment and communicating in a foreign language. An equally important mission of YOUnited z.s. is also to inform and support youngsters in participating in local, national and international activities in the fi eld of education, career life and volunteering in socially benefi cial activities.

The association actively promotes the values of the European Union and coordinates all its activities in accordance with them. In practice, this means that YOUnited z.s. is an organization that strives to build a tolerant, sustainable, inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for all young people without limitations. Our goal is to promote positive changes and develop informal educational activities at the local, national and international level. In addition, we educate young people about the opportunities that the European Union off ers and encourage them to actively use them. As a result of that, young people gain stronger sense of belonging to the European Union and its values.

In the field of the Erasmus+ programme, our organization focuses on activities including elements of informal education, i.e. youth exchanges and youth participation activities. Among the main areas of implemented projects are ecology and sustainability, healthy lifestyle and social topics, such as inclusion of disadvantaged groups in society, women's equality and active citizenship. In the future, we intend to expand our scope also to training courses for youth workers, solidarity projects and the Discover EU drive for inclusion.

Our association offers youth counseling in various areas and organizes activities for them with elements of informal education. It does so in order to improve their current skills and deepen the knowledge acquired, for example, at school through formal education methods. Furthermore, YOUnited z.s. supports youth in self development, fi nding their own identity, developing their talents and strengths, as well as accepting and overcoming their weaknesses. Thanks to the international Erasmus+ projects, YOUnited z.s. helps young people to broaden their horizons, teaches them how to have no prejudices towards foreign cultures and strengthens their self-confi dence in an intercultural environment and communicating in a foreign language. An equally important mission of YOUnited z.s. is also to inform and support youngsters in participating in local, national and international activities in the fi eld of education, career life and volunteering in socially benefi cial activities.

The association actively promotes the values of the European Union and coordinates all its activities in accordance with them. In practice, this means that YOUnited z.s. is an organization that strives to build a tolerant, sustainable, inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for all young people without limitations. Our goal is to promote positive changes and develop informal educational activities at the local, national and international level. In addition, we educate young people about the opportunities that the European Union off ers and encourage them to actively use them. As a result of that, young people gain stronger sense of belonging to the European Union and its values.

In the field of the Erasmus+ programme, our organization focuses on activities including elements of informal education, i.e. youth exchanges and youth participation activities. Among the main areas of implemented projects are ecology and sustainability, healthy lifestyle and social topics, such as inclusion of disadvantaged groups in society, women's equality and active citizenship. In the future, we intend to expand our scope also to training courses for youth workers, solidarity projects and the Discover EU drive for inclusion.

Currently we are looking for new partners and we are open to collaboration. Don't hesitate to contact us!

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YOUnited z.s.

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YOUnited z.s. is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Czech Republic (Kromeriz)
  • Czech Republic Kromeriz
focused on
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environment
  • European citizenship
  • Gender equality
  • Human rights
  • Innovation
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
YOUnited z.s. in 160 characters:

YOUnited z.s. is a NGO from Czechia with focus on non-formal education of youth. Main topics include sustainability, social issues and intercultural integration

Partner connections

YOUnited z.s. has no connections so far.

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