Volim Volontirati - "VoVo"

"VoVo" is a NGO founded in Zagreb, Croatia. The founding members all share common experience in the youth field as well as participated on projects within the Youth in Action program. That is why the organization was founded, to promote European values and participation of youth in all aspects of life. Furthermore, we present Erasmus+ program and the opportunities it offers to young people.

Our main missions:
1.Enhance social, leadership, entrepreneurial, communication skills, self-esteem, as well as multilingualism of youth through non-formal education;
2.Raise awareness about EU citizenship among young people, educate about social responsibility and work towards reducing youth unemployment in the EU;
3.Organize youth seminars, conferences and discussions on relevant social topics, promote healthy and active lifestyle in order to increase the well-being of youth. Inform about similar actions organized by others.

Past projects

Training course Stop disCRIMEination!

Project is aiming to fight against prejudices and stereotypes providing participants usefull tools for creating social campagnes.

Community managers!

Training course Community managers in directed towards youthworkers interested in social media!

Social marketing in youth work!

Main aim is to provide participants knowledge and tools related to creation of social marketing campaigning in youth work.

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Volim Volontirati - "VoVo"

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Volim Volontirati - "VoVo" is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Croatia (Zagreb)
  • Croatia Zagreb
focused on
  • European citizenship
  • Human rights
  • Innovation
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Leadership
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Volunteering
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Volim Volontirati - "VoVo" in 160 characters:

"VoVo" promotes work with youth, volunteering, social inclusion, human rights, mental health, non-formal education and intercultural dialogue.

Partner connections

Volim Volontirati - "VoVo" has no connections so far.

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