URA Centre (Qendra URA)

URA Centre is a non-profit organization founded in 2008 by a group of artists and activists of civil society to contribute to the creation of a society of solidarity, offering a new approach to reevaluate Albanian environment and its historical sources - artistic - cultural, stimulating thus building "bridges" for a dialogue and social cohesion, between individuals and countries, at the promoter, representatives and decision making.

URA’s Center objectives and its intentions to undertake various initiatives, are closely related to:
The integration of Albanian society in the great European family, through mass awareness campaigns and engagement of young people, students, entrepreneurs and other categories of the our society;
Activities to increase public awareness on human rights in the context of democratic development, economic, social, cultural, etc. which may include: courses, training, open lectures, panel discussions, exchanges and programs for individuals and interest groups;
Immigration. In this area, the Center aims to organize activities focus on prevention of illegal immigration and sensitize the population on legal and illegal ways of migration. At the same time the Center will be engaged in programs dealing with the return and reintegration of Albanian immigrants from different countries of the world, orienting and providing social and administrative services;
Target groups at risk and marginalized groups, the Center will work in all sectors, starting from the promotion of respect for human rights to the role in decision-making and service delivery. The Centre aims to collaborate with affirmed stakeholders and draft long-term strategies in the field of non-formal education and training;
Field and activities relating to research, focusing on issues of the discrimination of private and public life. The Center will work close with various target groups in the fields of employment, education, health, media, access to public areas/spaces and social policies, participation in decision-making and in politics;
Publications on studies and reports made during the analysis above;
Economy and tourism as priorities for a conscious development by all stakeholders that are engaged in these sectors. In this area, the Center aims to develop strategies for action and cooperation with public and private entities that have an important role in economic and tourism sector;
Promoting an entrepreneurial mindset and international cooperation with economic organizations and institutions that have as objective the establishment and promotion of free enterprise and social businesses. In this part, the Center will work with different target groups on training and assistance that will follow and be completed with drafting, organizing and implementing of projects in various fields.

Mission and Vision

URA Center, has the mission to promote the integration of the Albanian society in the great European family and its development through awareness campaigns, implementation of projects and massive involvement of young people, establishing a synergy and a communication channel between the institutions, the academic world and private sector. It is also intended that by strengthening collective memory and artistic creativity to promote historical, literary and cultural values of Albanian national cultural heritage.

The vision of URA Center is to achieve the creation of an integrated Albanian society into the European family, more equitable, fair and inclusive. It can be realized through sustainable economic and social development, respect for human rights and increasing active participation of the society in decision making process. The Albanian society which is based on the primary role of the individual, where the collective mentality is focused to the protection of human rights, to the development of a sustainable society and economy who dares about the environment and the ecosystem, as they are inseparable elements of a successful social welfare model.

Past projects

New Born Memory II

This proposal treats the topic of Collective Memory adapted for young people and aims to make clear the necessity why this topic should be considered.

This profile has been viewed 526 times.
URA Centre (Qendra URA)

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URA Centre (Qendra URA) is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Albania (Tirana)
  • Albania Tirana
focused on
  • Art
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • History
  • Innovation
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Leadership
  • Media and communication
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
URA Centre (Qendra URA) in 160 characters:

URA is a non-profit organization founded in 2008 by a group of artists and activists of civil society to contribute to the creation of a EU albanian society.

Partner connections

URA Centre (Qendra URA) has no connections so far.

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