UFCV - Union Française des Centres de Vacances

Ufcv Occitanie is a youth and non formal education non-profit association. Recognised for its public and social utility, Ufcv stands against inequalities and defends the right to education, training and holidays for everyone. Ufcv works also to encourage engagement.

Our main activities :
- social, cultural and leisure activities: we organize holidays camps for children and teenagers and holidays specially adapted for children and adults with disabilities. We are also involved in territorial animation and assist municipalities in the implementation of their social, education and culture policy;
- Training and education, with the BAFA / BAFD and professional training for careers in social animation, yourh work and care services;
- Social and vocational integration coaching for people facing difficulties in finding employment

Supported by strong values and a large network, the actions of UFCV concern all stages of life and enable everyone to engage for and with the others.

Currently we are looking for several organizations which could host us for different job shadowing visits for our staff involved in youth actions. We will propose these activities in our future KA1 European project.
During the visit we'd love to hear more about :
- new methods in non formal education
- innovation in recreational activities for children, seniors, people with disabilities
- inclusion experiences
- improvements in the vocational training field and with different groups (NEET, people with disabilities, migrants,…).
We'd love to share more about our work with you during job shadowing periods, exchange our experiences and build new contacts in order to develop our European culture et build strategic projects in the future.
We could also host your own staff if you want to write some KA1 projects for youth actors mobilities.
If you are interested in these subjects and these exchanges, don't hesitate to contact us.

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UFCV - Union Française des Centres de Vacances

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UFCV - Union Française des Centres de Vacances is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in France
  • France
focused on
  • Children
  • Disability
  • Innovation
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Strategic Partnerships
UFCV - Union Française des Centres de Vacances in 160 characters:

National association working in the fields of sociocultural activities, holidays, training and occupational integration for children and youngsters

Partner connections

UFCV - Union Française des Centres de Vacances has no connections so far.

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