Sarpsborg kommune team barn og unge v/enhet kultur

We are looking for partners to do more Erasmus+ key action 1 Exchanges With!
We have already mad eone big Project, With 5 partners, where we were the Project coordinator.

As a leader for the Group, I have a lot of experience in Project management!

Our youths are between the ages of 15-21, and most of them are a part of something called UKM in Norway. (It stands for Young culture meets)
It`s a range of festivals and shows, where Young People get to perform for other youths. Here the youths can either perform something on stage, help arrange the festivals, work With social media and filmmaking or they can help out With publicity, marketing, tickets sales, arranging and the technical bit of a stage show.

We are looking to work With oprganisations that also work With art/creativity, or With arranging.

Past projects

Back to the roots!

We want to make a Project about where we come from! Using social media and culture, we want to explore Our past and see how it relates to Our lives today

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Sarpsborg kommune team barn og unge v/enhet kultur is

a Public Body
based in Norway (Sarpsborg)
  • Norway Sarpsborg
focused on
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Drama and theatre
  • History
  • Media and communication
  • Music
  • Social media
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
Sarpsborg kommune team barn og unge v/enhet kultur in 160 characters:

We are a part of Sarpsborg municipallity, working With international Projects for youths from Our region! We are focused on culture, social media and festivals!

Partner connections

Sarpsborg kommune team barn og unge v/enhet kultur has no connections so far.

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