Sanat Tarihçileri Derneği/ Art Historians Association Turkey

Art Historians Association was founded in 2016 in Istanbul to gather students and individuals who are concerned with Art History together to share their knowledge and to inform people about topics like cultural heritage, historical environment. The Association’s goal is to convey knowledge in Art History to individuals with new methods on national, international and local levels and to raise awareness about cultural heritage in society through these new methods. So as to achieve these goals, we have organized several activities, symposiums and organizations.

After 2 years of national experience, Our younger members have just founded the Homeric Voyagers Youth Platform to gain international project experience. The Goals Homeric Voyagers wants to achieve are hereinbelow;

For the young and youth workers
- To raise awareness about democracy,
- To embody concepts of active citizenship and participation in life,
- To pave the way for and increase intercultural interactions and civil dialogue
- To raise awareness for European Values and European awareness in societies on international, national and local levels through common cultural values in Anatolia.
- To move education to nature, public sphere, ancient cities, roads and even path to support alternative education and learning methods.

- To found research institute and a centre to support youth studies,
- To organize exhibitions, symposiums, projects, festivals, to publish journals and to organize educational tours on the course of cultural heritages on the purpose of sporting educational programs and individuals’ learning process,
- To help the volunteer youngs take roles as workers, volunteers or educator,
- To benefit to sharing of the youth workers and the youngs’ experience via digital media, internet and support digital skills,
- To be in the lead for using new education methods within cultural heritage properties and settings and to help the young create new and creative solutions for protection of cultural heritage.

In the light of this vision and mission, the name Homeric Voyagers was chosen by referring to Homer the legendary poet from the West Anatolia. Voyagers, because we aim to discuss the concepts “journey” and “voyage” and to merge these phenomena, which has been popular recently, with education and to underline the understanding which aims to show the interaction between cultural heritage and voyage.

Past projects

Ancient Journey: Democracy and Citizenship

The Ideas of Antiquity, Cultural Identify of the Ancient Ages, It’s Heritage for Today and Intercultural Learning

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Sanat Tarihçileri Derneği/ Art Historians Association Turkey

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Sanat Tarihçileri Derneği/ Art Historians Association Turkey is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Turkey (istanbul), Turkey (izmir)
  • Turkey istanbul
  • Turkey izmir
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Sanat Tarihçileri Derneği/ Art Historians Association Turkey in 160 characters:

The Art Historians Association brings together art, cultural heritage, history and democracy with young people. Purpose of not for school but for life learning.

Partner connections

Sanat Tarihçileri Derneği/ Art Historians Association Turkey has no connections so far.

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