Norte Crescente, ADL

To succeed in this aims, Norte Crescente, have specific departments in terms of technical
resources, which are responsible for concretes projects, as:
- Centro de Acompanhamento Familiar e Promoção da Empregabilidade, known as CAFPE
(Family Assistant and Employment Promotion Center), this department has some subdivisions:
o Technological and Childcare Centers;
o Social Intervention;
o Social Canteen;
o Norte Solidário Project;

- Young development promotion, that occurs in a physical, psychological and affective
environment that stimulates their evolutionary process, trough appropriate practices according
to the ages and problematics;
- Personal and social promotion;
- Mediation and family accountability;
- Promoting of differentiated and meaningful learnings;
- Provide an environment that is propitious to individual development, in a way that the
young can express himself in a comprehensive, respectful and acceptance climate;
- Promoting the young socialization trough the participation in group activities;
- Execute activities integrated in a solid sociocultural project, in a way that the
participants can choose and freely participate, considering the group idiosyncrasies and mutual
- Improve the childcare situation and life quality of young;
- Social interaction and inclusion of young with fewer opportunities, in risk of family and
social exclusion, preventing risk behaviors;
- Promoting the democratic education trough discussions and sharing of opinions,
concepts and points of view.
- Help in school obligations;
- Psychomotor, cognitive and psychosocial stimulation, in a way that the young can reach,
discover and explore their world;
- Health promotion;
- Assertiveness;
- Long and medium term aims establishment;
- Decision taking promotion;

Norte Crescente works with families at risk, in terms of their social and economic
situations, which are referred to us by social workers, schools and other partners (as well as
governmental agencies, like social security), specifically:
o Lack of affection;
o Parental neglect;
o Absence of adequate parental models;
o Absence of rules and limits;
o Use of conflict and violence as a form of problem solving;
o Dysfunctional behavioral modeling: 
- Violent behaviors; 
- Addictions; 
- School dropping-out; 
- Child forced labor; 
- Delinquency; 
- Other problematics that are causes and consequences of these.

Available downloads:

Past projects


B-Safe is a Youth Exchange project designed to overcome the main chalenges faced by European young people dealing with COVID-19.

This profile has been viewed 776 times.
Norte Crescente, ADL

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Norte Crescente, ADL is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Portugal (Ponta Delgada )
  • Portugal Ponta Delgada
focused on
  • Art
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • EVS volunteer wanted
  • Human rights
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
  • Strategic Partnerships
Norte Crescente, ADL in 160 characters:

Norte Crescente promotes the integrated development, in social, educational, youth, equality of opportunities, cultural, sports, economic and environmental.

Partner connections

Norte Crescente, ADL has no connections so far.

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