Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform

Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform - is an alliance of associations of citizens who are members of voluntary associations of citizens and individual researchers, with the aim of reducing poverty through the promotion of social justice, participatory democracy, protect human rights, equality, non-discrimination and the rule of law.
MAPP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan and nongovernmental organization.
Goals of the Platform are:
-To contribute to reducing poverty and fostering social inclusion.
-Developing cultural, economic, social and other societal values.
-Develop a strong network in fighting poverty. -Working with poor communities and strengthen them.
-Promotion of non-discrimination and equality for all.
-Promoting participatory democracy.
-Advocacy, lobbying and influencing public policies and strategies in the area of social protection, health care, employment, poverty, social inclusion, human rights and non-discrimination.
-Raising awareness among the general public and professional issues related to poverty and social exclusion
-Running Platform in developed networks to combat poverty, regional and European level. -Including the poor, the marginalized, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged communities in all processes and levels of decision-making affecting them.
-Strengthening the capacities of members of MAPP
-Conduct research and analysis in the field of poverty, human rights, social inclusion, (non) discrimination, health care, employment, education, and propose measures to overcome identified problems.

Youth participation

Due to the increasing interest to participate in its activities and organization, MAPP has started working in the youth field from 2014.
MAPP will involve youth in its organizational activities, opportunities for active participation in international youth exchanges, trainings, camps and conferences which are organized by the MAPP, or where MAPP is acting as a promoter.
These activities are based on learner-centred methodologies that we are developing in cooperation with our partners from other countries, according to the EU and national priorities, and it is supposed to provide to the youth possibilities to gain personal development and acquiring skills that would increase work competency and participation in decision making processes.
Reflecting on our work and analyzing the situation in Macedonia, we have detected the following several key causes for youth marginalization, and best efforts will be given to eradicate the following intergenerational poverty transfer, marginalization leading to social exclusion, established division on political grounds in the educational system and local youth councils, and underdeveloped system that would offer minimal measures to stimulate youth employability.

Past projects

Language Integrated Content Kit

LICK in Europe - Macedonia Capacity Building For Those Working With Socially Excluded Young People

This profile has been viewed 507 times.
Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform

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Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Republic of North Macedonia (Skopje)
  • Republic of North Macedonia Skopje
focused on
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Children
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Disability
  • Health
  • Human rights
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Urban/rural development
  • Youth policy
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform in 160 characters:

Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform - is an alliance of associations of citizens who are members of voluntary associations of citizens and individual researchers

Partner connections

Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform has no connections so far.

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