A good number of young people find their way in our increasingly more individualized society with great difficulty. We engage youngsters between the age of 12 and 19 years old in different fields (leisure time – education & training), by using the method of experiental learning.

Our trademark is guiding young people in an experiental and process-based approach, with respect for the pace and situation of each young person. To start a strong process and to (re)discover the potential of young people, we see some basic conditions that we invest a lot of time and attention into.

Safe environment
LEJO invests in a relationship and environment that is perceived by the young as sufficiently safe to leave familiar patterns and to experiment with new behavior. Work on these favorable conditions forms the basis of our guidance. We believe it is important that young people relax and feel welcome. A framework that young people perceive as safe is after all an indispensable basis for ‘experimenting’.

‘To grow, young people must be able to be themselves …’

In order to be themselves, young people need trust bonds. In order to offer them a safe starting point for their growth trajectory, we attach great importance to coaching. We invest in encouraging young people to find their place in a group. In order to maintain self-confidence and to keep the relationship between young person and supervisor positive, we have a lot of attention in our way of working for positive reinforcement and success experiences.

We find it essential that the youngsters have as much control as possible and have an equal voice in every decision that concerns them. We always depart from the NIVEA principle (Do not fill in for another). In this way we place the responsibility for their learning process with the younger person and this stimulate their involvement and commitment. The above basic conditions form an ideal starting point for young people and supervisors to travel together

In order to give them all the potential for development, we particularly encourage: Growth In the process that young people take, we see experiences with meaning as building blocks that make young people step-by-step more self-conscious, stimulating them to let go of the familiar patterns and dare to experiment. It is a challenge to offer young people many opportunities, where there is room to fail and reflection is encouraged.

Translated all this elements into practice of 4 pillars:

YOUTHWORK : we organise different camps with themes such as ‘extreme adventure’, ‘circus’, ‘blanco’ (a concept where there is no program at all, somtimes not even an location and youngsterscan be their craftsmen for the whole proces), ‘LEJO Got Talent’ …
EDUCATION (schools) : personal development education for youngsters
EDUCATIONAL training : youthworkers, schools, teachers, co-workers, care workers, teams, volunteers, ….
TEENAGE parents : activities, camps, peer to peer focus …

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a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Belgium - FL
  • Belgium - FL
focused on
  • EVS volunteer wanted
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
LEJO in 160 characters:

LEJO is an independent youth organisation, engaged within the policy fields of Youthwork and Education & Training, located in Flanders, Belgium.

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