Javni zavod Mladi zmaji

MLADI ZMAJI organization was established as part of the City of Ljubljana’s Youth Office. It has started setting up youth centers around the city in response to public surveys that clearly showed that young people need places with organized, easy-to-use free-time activities, where they can just be themselves: creative, positive, and curious.

MLADI ZMAJI neighborhood youth centers offer young people all sorts of activities and services free of charge. They use informal learning, everyday socializing, and many other ways to motivate visitors to gain new knowledge and skills, meet interesting people, broaden their horizons, and overcome their own limitations.

MLADI ZMAJI youth center is like a public living room, where young people can get information, make friends, gain self-confidence, and learn social skills. It’s a safe place to just hang out with friends and supportive adults, or to organize workshops and events with the support of mentors.

Each center is led by two youth workers and is a safe and open place that operates independently with tight connections to the local community. Together, they all form a unified system through carefully planned coordination and cooperation among the teams.

The youth workers at the centers are selected with special care: great stress is placed on their formal education, youth work experience, and continuing education. They are good mentors, committed to their cause, and truly aware of their responsibilities in working with young people. Their concern is to maintain a safe, respectful, and creative environment.

- The local community
- Neighborhood schools
- Social work centers
- Youth organizations and NGOs in Ljubljana and Slovenia
- The Faculty of Social Work and the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana
- Volunteers
- The Preventive Programs for Young People in Slovenia network (PPMS)
- The Youth in Action program (NA MOVIT)
- International youth organizations

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Javni zavod Mladi zmaji is

a Public Body
based in Slovenia (Ljubljana)
  • Slovenia Ljubljana
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
Javni zavod Mladi zmaji in 160 characters:

MLADI ZMAJI organization is a network of innovative neighborhood youth centers and playgrounds that the City of Ljubljana is using to activate young people.

Partner connections

Javni zavod Mladi zmaji has no connections so far.

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