i-xl learning

i-XL is a youth group that works with and on behalf of young people from 12-25, although we have had a small amount of experience with young people either side of this age range when a young person has been referred to us by another agency. We are a youth project that follows a very informal educational curriculum, and we are based on the borders of Hackney and Islington in central London, although our members often come from outside these two boroughs as they feel safer attending a LGBTQ group away from their home. It is in an area that combines economic wealth and social deprivation. The project attracts young people from many different backgrounds, but we tend to have a high proportion of families on a very low income, high levels of youth unemployment and many members that have few qualifications. The group has a wide ethnic mix and this is celebrated within the project in many different ways, by the food the young people are introduced to, the films we watch and the topics we debate. A high proportion of the young people have specific learning differences some of which have previously gone undiagnosed. Many of the young people are dyslexic or dyspraxic and we have had a large proportion of young people with Aspergers.

Our youth group has over the years seen many changes ....we began in the 80's as North London Line, (a group that our lead youth worker attended as a young person) and then changed to a pre-connexions pilot scheme entitled Education Support Project and now i- XL ( a new name given by the current users of the project). There has always been a common thread running through them all and that is providing the best support for every young person as an individual. Due to funding cuts over the years and the loss of our building etc we are now run mainly as a group of young people meeting regularly with the support of the workers.
i-XL Education aims to address the under achievement and raise the educational attainment of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans or those questioning young people through building their self esteem and confidence. This is done by offering individual support and guidance, developing peer led activities and working closely with schools and other agencies to effect increased awareness and support to young people at a critical time in their learning. Our activities are heavily based on informal educational principles.
Young LGBTQ people rarely gain the support they need in mainstream youth projects or educational establishments. There is a reluctance or fear to engage in these issues, this has been well demonstrated over the years through our work and indicates a real need to continue to develop innovative and creative solutions. Not just in practice with young people of whatever sexuality, but with other practitioners and agencies. The project has managed to establish effective working relationships with educational, employment and housing providers and this has succeeded in many positive outcomes for the young people we have worked with.

Past projects

Inspired by North of the Sun

last year we watched a film called North Of the Sun and were so inspired we would like to learn more about the environment around us...

Oats and beans and barley grow

Oats and beans and barley grow is a project devised by the young people that explores the Enviroment while having the chance to meet new people and travel

The Journey

The journey in Youth work is always so important........

Not just skating..!!!

Enjoy Skateboarding... then this is for you

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i-xl learning is

a Informal Group of Young People
based in United Kingdom (London)
  • United Kingdom London
focused on
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Environment
  • European citizenship
  • Health
  • Human rights
  • LGBTQ issues
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
  • Unemployment/employability
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
i-xl learning in 160 characters:

We are a youth project for young LGBTQ people and their friends and family...our focus is on education and the environment

Partner connections

i-xl learning has no connections so far.

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