DASYC Foundation was established in Valencia in 1994 promoted by a group of professionals with the desire to actively and responsibly contribute to the full development of people, ans raise awareness of their impact on the improvement of society.
DASYC’s MISSION is to carry out social and cultural initiatives to promote the human, educational and cultural progress of people, especially the most disadvantaged, both in our own environment and in the underdeveloped countries. In fact, DASYC acronym stands for "Development of Social and Cultural Actions".
Our VISION is to raise a public awareness of responsibility and solidarity involving individuals and institutions in the social issues of general concern, as stated in our corporate motto: "To make solidarity a culture". We work in the field of development cooperation, promoting the professional training of low-income women and to enable them to improve their living conditions.

The main objective of the DASYC Foundation is preventing social exclusion through volunteer projects to attend different needs of these four groups: children and youth, seniors, women, and people with disabilities.
For the time being, our projects are:
1. Childhood and youth:
Family intervention in the neighborhood of El Cabañal (Valencia), developing computer workshop activities, literacy workshop, driving license workshop, creation of interactive groups, tutored library, etc.
Tutoring (in 3 centers of Valencia), through academic and pedagogical support.
Leisure and free time (in 4 centers of Valencia and in Palma de Mallorca), deploying leisure and recreation activities, sports, support to own center’s activities and cyber-classroom.
Nursery. In the center C.A. Dorothy Day to help mothers.
2. Seniors:
Cultural activities in senior centres.
Activities of general education, computer science, English and cognitive stimulation in 4 centers in the city of Valencia.
Time for the senior. Service and support for older people through home accompaniment, activities in senior residences, and support during hospital admission (in 6 residence in Valencia).
3. Persons with disabilities. In the "Leisure and free time" project we develop in the Pepe Alba Home a task of accompanying people with various degrees of physical disability.
4. Women. Job Pool that facilitates employment and socio-labor integration possibilities and training for women, immigrants and people without resources.

Past projects

Searching for hosting organisations

Dasyc Foundation is searching hosting organisations for the EVS programme. DASYC has the EVS accreditation since april 2015.

KA1 training course

We are available to participate as a partner or as a leader in KA1 projects.

Social Volunteering in DASYC Foundation

EVS social project with children, old people, women, inmigrants in the Valencia city. DASYC Foundation is a strong organisation in these fields.


“SOCIAL VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE IN VALENCIA” is a project that promotes inclusion and equity , European citizenship and youth participation .

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a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Spain (Valencia)
  • Spain Valencia
focused on
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Disability
  • EVS volunteer wanted
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Roma communities
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Volunteering
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
  • Training and Networking
DASYC in 160 characters:

DASYC Foundation was established in Valencia in 1994. DASYC acronym stands for "Development of Social and Cultural Actions".

Partner connections

DASYC has no connections so far.

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