Dalga Youth Movement

On February 12, 2005 a group of students in Azerbaijan state Economic University initiated to form a movement that will assist to the spread of liberal values, active participation of youth in democratization process in Azerbaijan. Organization committee adopted the name of that system as Dalga (wave) Youth Movement and its activity as NGO functioning in public sector.
On April 22, 2005 Dalga Youth Movement declared its priorities to public and carries out its activity on these priorities up to now.
Students Rights Protection Committee" was established. This committee strives to prevent any pressure on students made by university administration or teachers, by distributing different papers among students, by carrying out seminar-trainings lets them know their rights and the ways to protect themselves.
In order to know the problems of youth analytical group was established. By holding different surveys among young people this group tries to find out the most crucial problems they face. The group also investigates the problems that students face in education, lack of textbooks, and delivers the gained results and solution offers to appropriate authorities.
Socio-Philosophical Club was established within the Movement (September 17, 2005). The purpose of creating this club is distributing world-wide values among youth, enlightening activities, also organizing meetings of intellectuals with young people.
In order to implement enlightening work among youth of regions, to create a network of youth living in cities and regions, and to spread volunteerism and humanism the movement is realizing the project "Education Volunteers". In the framework of the project they travel to various regions of Azerbaijan and organize different activities, especially during the summer season.
According to the results of the survey conducted by the analytical group, nowadays one of the main problems of students is corruption in education. So Dalga Youth Movement is conducting the campaign "Education without bribery", in order to tackle this problem. Declaring the 2005-2006 as "1 year without corruption" fundamental work was done to solve this problem. And now one of the chief activities of the movement is to struggle against corruption.
We are conducting different actions (flash mobs) in order to promote the universal values, also to attract the attention of society to the problems that we consider important.
We are organizing various entertaining programs for the youth so that they could spend their leisure time useful. The purpose of these programs is to promote the world culture among young people beyond formal education.
To train young people with democratic thinking Democracy school was created. Specialized staffs are trained in this school in the fields of democracy and human rights.
All activities of Dalga Youth Movement is based on volunteerism and implements its project freely.
The superior organ of Dalga Youth Movement is the General Assembly. The legislative organ during beyond congress period is Administrative Board, and the executive organs are coordinators, commissions, clubs and chairman apparatus. The monitoring-controlling organ of Dalga Youth Movement is Central Juridical Commission appointed by the General Assembly.
The observer organ of Dalga Youth Movement is Central Observer Commission defined by the Congress. Dalga Youth Movement has regional offices in Ganja and Lankaran and representations in Zagatala, Mingachevir, Gakh.
Dalga Youth Movement cooperating with other youth organization in Azerbaijan. In international level cooperating with IFLRY, Youth Movement for Democracy.

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Dalga Youth Movement

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Dalga Youth Movement is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Azerbaijan (Baku)
  • Azerbaijan Baku
focused on
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Human rights
  • Volunteering
Dalga Youth Movement in 160 characters:

"Education Volunteers". In the framework of the project they travel to various regions of Azerbaijan and organize different activities.

Partner connections

Dalga Youth Movement has no connections so far.

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