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Study Visit
15-19 May 2022 | Lahti, Finland
In the study visit you get to see how youth workers fit into the everyday life of schools and how youth work can support the other professionals in schools: teachers, curators and nurses.
By examples you can understand the philosophy behind the practice, but you can also see what the work is like on the everyday level and how it is integrated in the schools. You see examples of schools in the City of Lahti and in a smaller town of Hollola.
Civil society and youth work organisations can also contribute to the curriculum, by providing expert information, methods and practices. They can also help the teaching staff to have insight to topical themes in young people's lives.
You get to see how organisations dealing with prevention of substance abuse and mental health are contributing to school work by training teachers, providing materials and running services.
You will also get a glimpse in using gaming in school setting.
Youth work and schools have cooperated in different ways over time, in reality their roles are sometimes mixed. Some teachers run clubs on young people's free time and non-governmental organisations visit schools to bring in needed content and competences. In the Finnish setting the sectors are intertwined and trained professionals work together for a common goal.
In Finland both school education and youth work are municipal services, run by educated professionals. The structure is very different to many European countries, but you can still find the practical ideas and methods transferable to your own national setting.
Are you interested to see the practices in Finland? If so, send in your application.
As a participant it is relevant that you represent an organisation who works with young people regularly. As a paid professional or a volunteer you should be supporting young people on their free time in youth work setting or in schools.
As a volunteer you should have a permanent and established role in your sending organisation, preferrably as someone who designs and organises activities for the young.
You can also be a person from municipal administration who runs projects or develops service concepts, or a decision-maker who is interested in cross-sectoral cooperation and relevance of youth work.
Pay in mind that the idea is to help you to gain knowledge, practices and competences that you can put in practice in your everyday work with young people. If you are interested in the topic on a personal level, but you do not have a clear link to youth work practice or a youth work organisation, you do not qualify as a participant.
In some cases teachers can be suitable participants, especially if they work with the young people outside the formal education. However, please be aware that the study visit is focused on the youth work and its practices in school settings, it will not be a study visit on the Finnish school system, curricula or teaching methods.
In our activities we support the principle of a safer space. It means all the participants have the freedom to be themselves, express themselves freely and be included in all the activities without discrimination or bullying. We want you to respect the same principle, too.
Our activities are accessible to people with disabilities. If you need a support person, accessible room and transport or supporting tools, we will provide it for you. You can tell us your needs in beforehand so that we can be ready.
We take sustainability in consideration where we can. Since most participants have to fly over the sea to Finland, we encourage you to travel on land within Finland. We also encourage you to contact your own national agency to find out how they support low-emission travelling to activities abroad.
We provide plant-based meals, or use locally grown and produced foods, as much as possible. We also respect the diets and food allergies of all participants.
The activity links to a strategic European project which helps to develop the municipal youth work practices. You can find more information on Europe Goes Local (EGL) on their website.
Before you apply you should familiarise yourself with the Covid19 rules when traveling to Finland. If the rules change during the spring, we will update this call. If you are selected, you will have the updated information in the welcome letter.
Currently, please note that if you are not vaccinated, the entry rules are different for you. Unvaccinated persons must self-isolate for 3 days after entering Finland, even if they are tested at the airport. The self-isolation will happen right after arrival and therefore it makes the participation in the in training impossible.
Moreover, the Finnish NA cannot cover the costs caused by the self-isolation.
It is possible to apply / participate in the activity only if you are fully vaccinated with a vaccine that is approved in Finland or if you have a certificate of recovering from Covid 19 in less than 6 months from entering the country.
Link to the guidelines of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare:
List of vaccines accepted in Finland:
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Study Visit is
for 30 participants
from Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
The Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Paavo Pyykkönen
Phone: +358 400 247 774
You do not have to pay a participation fee for the Finnish National Agency, but the National Agency in your home country may have some fees you have to cover.
Please contact the national agency in your home country to find out what the practice is.
The National Agency in your country will make the pre-selection of participants from your country. The Finnish NA will make the final selection, based on the pre-selections.
If you are selected, The Finnish NA will organise the accommodation and meals for you.
You will be accommodated in single rooms, but you may have to share the bathroom and toilet.
We will provide meals according to participants' diets and food allergies.
If you plan to stay in Finland for a longer time, you have to cover the hotel costs and meals outside the training yourself.
The National Agency in your own country will cover your travel costs to Finland. Every country has different practices in organising the travel and/or reimbursement of travel costs. Please contact your NA or to know how it is done in your country.