European Training Calendar
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Training Course
18-23 November 2024 | Mons, Belgium - FR
This pilot course is a variation of the Municipalities4Democracy training course module of the Democracy Reloading Partnership aiming to train municipal youth policy officers and municpal youth representatives at the same so that they can reflect together on their exisiting youth participation practice and identify ways of improving it. The training course will have elements when the officers and young people will work together, and elements when they will work separately.
The training course is based on the Democracy Reloading Reference Framework and its new DR Workbook. The activity will take place in the beautiful city of Mons, 50 minutes from Charleroi Airport, or 80 minutes from Brussels Airport.
Objectives of this training course
Participants are expected to apply in tandem as follows:
One municipal youth policy officer from a municipality where their is existing youth participation structure, together with one youth representative from their existing or planned youth participation structure (for example youth council, student council or a youth ngo).
It is the municipal policy officer that must apply indicating the youth representative selected by the municipality. The youth representative shall be ideally 18-20 years old, or in case the selected youth representative is younger (15-18) the applicant must take care of all the child protection measures according to the national legislation of their country.
Priority will be given to the member countries of the Democracy Reloading Partnership and to those municipalities who have experience in implementing, or a plan to design Erasmus + / Solidarity Corps projects with the topic of local democratic youth participation.
Members of Democracy Reloading: Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Cyprus, Sweden, Greece, Iceland, Bulgaria, Armenia,
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This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 30 participants
from Armenia, Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine
and recommended for
Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Municipal youth represenatives (young people active locally)
Working language(s):
Bureau International Jeunesse (National Agency)
BIJ is the coordinating agency of the Democracy Reloading Partnership of 20 Erasmus+ national agencies.
Contact for questions:
Laszlo Foldi
Phone: +3222105233
There is not participation fee requested by the hosting agency, however you must contact your Erasmus+ agency to see if they ask for a participation fee.
Accommodation will be provided in single rooms, and meals will be provided from dinner on Monday (18th November) until breakfast on Saturday (23rd November).
Travel will be covered / reimboursed by the sending Erasmus+ national agency, that is selecting the participants form each partner country.