European Training Calendar
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Training Course
8-16 May 2020 | Saintes, France
The focus of Contact Improvisation is on giving and receiving, exchanging the body’s weight between the dancers. The dancers’ dialogue is the free improvisation, generating instant compositions, finding a free expression space to develop how to listen, how to communicate non-verbally, discovering oneself on the way.
We will develop resources based on Contact Improvisation to be applied in youth organisations working with young people with fewer opportunities.
Our objectives are:
This training course is for you if:
By taking part in this project, participants will: learn what is Contact Improvisation by practicing it; be more aware of their personal development through connecting with their bodies in a deeper level; learn a set of Contact Improvisation exercises that can be applied in their organisations; and develop new ways how Contact Improvisation can be applied to Youth Work, connecting it with concepts such as inclusion, conflict management, sustainability, leadership, deep communication and creativity, among others. Our intention is that participants have an impact in the organisation level through sharing, spreading and applying Contact Improvisation in the local and international communities.
Timeframe of the project:
Applications deadline: 24th January at 12pm
Selection results: 10th February
Booking of travel tickets: until 14th February at 12pm
Arrival day: 8th May from 17:00 to 18:30
Start of the program: 9th May at 9:30am
End of the program: 15th May around 7pm
Departure day: 16th May until noon
More information can be found our website:
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 24 participants
from Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Italy, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Educators
Working language(s):
Les Schini's (Youth NGO)
Les Schini’s is a non-profit organisation with two focuses:
- organising artistic live performances, festivals and public events that may involved various artistic
- empowering young people through body expression methodologies such as contemporary dance and theatre.
The organisation encourages artistic research, creation and production in partnership with other
artists, associations, companies and choreographers as well as other media (visual arts, music,
theatre, performances, videos and films).
One of the current focuses of Les Schini’s is to promote, share and celebrate the art of dance and
performance with as wide an audience as possible, in particular with people who do not have access
to culture due to their social background, age, origins or disabilities, by any means or medium
(courses, workshops, creation, training, performances).
Contact for questions:
Adrià Sonet
Phone: 000000000
The sending organisations from each country are entitled to ask for an internal fee, which in all cases will need to be paid even if you found the training in SALTO and not in their communication channels.
This training course is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Comission, therefore accommodation, food, materials and the program are covered.
The travel costs up to the maximum amount specified below will be reimbursed after the training course:
France: 20 EUR
Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Spain: 275 EUR
Cyprus and Estonia: 360 EUR