VolunTour: Grow- Clean Cambodia
The Study Visit is a test of a new format of international mobility - the VolunTour - organized by youth NGOs, which mix responsible tourism, volunteering and meeting with stakeholders on the theme of environment and education issues.
This Study Visit is the outcome of the “VolunTour” project, part of Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Youth. The general aim of the Capacity Building is to develop a new format of international mobility, called VolunTours, fully organized and implemented by youth organisations, whose purpose is to offer a quality learning experience and to inspire active participation and advocacy in the local communities. These VolunTours can be defined as a mixture of responsible tourism, volunteering, interaction with local communities and with stakeholders, according to a different topic for each Asian country involved. Asian and European youth organizations are working together to organize the VolunTours in India, Nepal and Cambodia.
The aim of the Study Visit is to evaluate together the mobility realized and to understand if a similar project can be realized in different contexts.
The Study Visit is addressed to youth workers and managers of NGOs interested in implementing similar activities and replicate the NFL methodologies in other communities. Participants will have the chance to take part in the pilot project, to see how the international mobility is organized, scheduled and to share good practices with managers of the Asian and European organizations involved in the project.
The objectives are as follows:
- Take part in the pilot project of the VolunTour mobility and provide feedback about the idea of the mobility, the proposed activities, the balancement of touristic activities, volunteering and meetings with local community;
- Evaluate if would be possible to transfer the VolunTour in their local communities and for potential tourists;
- Acquire NFL methodologies and good practices to implement a similar international mobility in different local contexts.
The theme of the VolunTour in Cambodia is Grow- Clean Cambodia and it focusses on the situation of Cambodian contexts in terms of education, culture, and the environment issues with some involving activities within the local community.
The Study Visit will last 12 days (arrival and departure included).
Day 1: Arrival, welcoming, orientation and team building, dinner, rest
Day 2: Introduction to the programme, workshop on the expectations, motivations and fears, travelling to the TFC fishing community in Kampot province
Day 3: Experience sharing from the community chief “how mangrove protection contributes to environmental saving”, travelling to the mangrove forest for the mangrove plantation, Lunch picnic in the mangrove forest and Mangrove seed collection
Day 4: Mangrove seedlings, group painting for the mangrove projection, city tour in Kampot to learn more about the social enterprise of moringa and pepper
Day 5: visit to pepper farms, lunch in Kep beach, travelling to CYA Learning Center for the environmental education, visit to the killing field museum and study about Cambodian history, Movie in the evening “the Killing fields”(optional)
Day 6: Education activities with the school students on environment at Prophnom primary school, English education activities with the students at CYA Learning Center
Day 7: Education activities with the school students on environment at Prophnom primary school, English education activities with the students at CYA Learning Center
Day 8: Traditional Khmer Rice noodle making, Community Living Service “staying in the hosting family for social and cultural understanding” and cultural activities in the hosting family
Day 9: Sa-Art campaign with the local people in Prophnom community, Workshop on moringa plants and how it is useful in everyday life, Plant moringa for the local families.
Day 10: Travelling to Phnom Penh for Siem Reap Province, lunch on the way and check in to the hotel
Day 11: One day tour in Angkor Wat, tour evaluation and free night in the Pub Street
Day 12: Departure
The Study Visit is hosted by Cambodia Youth Action (CYA) is a non-governmental, volunteer based organisation founded in October 2010 where all the staff are working voluntarily toward their mission and vision. The Organisation’s main purpose is to develop a world where global citizens are fully participated voluntarily contributing to the creation of a more peaceful and sustainable environment. CYA believes that through international voluntary service activities, people around the world will have the chance to meet, share, discuss and learn from each one in order to enhance sustainable development in rural/remote communities in Cambodia. In particular, the Organisation has been working on three main specific areas concerning children and teenegers’s education, community improvement of the living standard, and environmental preservation and protection. Throughout the year CYA is organizing different volunteering programmes for overseas volunteers and with international partners.
Training overview
This activity has already happened!
This Study Visit is
for up to 6 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU 
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth project managers, NGO members interested in implementing a VolunTour mobility
Working language(s):
Joint Association (Youth NGO)
Joint Association is a Social Promotion Association based in Milan. The association operates in the non-profit sector from more than 12 years and offers to young people international mobility and learning opportunities in non-formal contexts.
Joint Association in specialized in projects related to the non-formal education and the intercultural learning. It addresses to young people between 17 and 30 years old and follows pedagogical paths for high schools students and for the most weak sectors of the society such as disadvantaged young people.
Joint Association’s main activities are related to Erasmus+ Programme, created by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, which aims at promoting the mobility opportunities and at enhancing the skills of young people, organizations and trainers.
- Cambodia Youth Action (Cambodia) (Youth NGO)
- Világjáró Onkentes Tanacsado es Szolgaltato Nonprofit Korlatol (Hungary) (Youth NGO)
The participation fee is of 480 € per person. It covers: food and accommodation, private and local transportation, materials arrangement and administration charge.
Please note that international flights are not included in the above price, and nor are travel insurance, extra personal expenses and visa for Cambodia.