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10-14 June 2024 | Comunidad de Madrid, Spain

The TOOL FAIR ON SOLIDARITY PROJECTS is a 3-day international event that brings together young people who have carried out or are currently implementing a Solidarity Project and participants with no previous experience, to share tools and best practices.

The TOOL FAIR ON SOLIDARITY PROJECTS will be a space of exchange, sharing, learning and motivation, where practitioners with different experiences and backgrounds come together to have an enriching dialogue on Solidarity Projects and create an inspiring environment for future projects.
Moreover, this event will go beyond a traditional “fair”, as it will combine the sharing of tools and experiences with training elements about essential features of Solidarity Projects and how to put them into practice.

This TOOL FAIR will bring together two profiles of participants.
Participants can be…

… SOLIDARITY PROJECTS TEAM MEMBERS: experienced youngsters and organizations that will have the chance to showcase their Solidarity Projects, already implemented or ongoing, and share tools and experiences. (Youth project managers and youth workers/ coaches that have specifically supported Solidarity Projects can also apply under this category).


EAGER TO SET UP AND CARRY OUT A PROJECT TO IMPROVE THEIR COMMUNITY. (Youth workers and youth leaders eager to support their local youth to set up and carry out a Solidarity Project can also apply under this category).

In either case, participants will have the opportunity to learn about tools, innovative approaches, methodologies, good practices, techniques and outcomes directly from people and organizations that have carried out quality Solidarity Projects.

Therefore, the objectives of this activity are:

  • To provide participants with an enriching environment to SHARE TOOLS that help youngsters develop Solidarity Projects.
  • To MOTIVATE young people and organizations to implement their initiatives under the European Solidarity Corps program.
  • To INCREASE THE QUALITY of Solidarity Projects
  • To GIVE VISIBILITY to completed or on-going projects, and thus giving visibility to the Solidarity Projects action within the framework of the ESC programme.
  • To CREATE A NETWORK among experienced youngsters, and young people and organizations willing to start a Solidarity Project.
  • To EXCHANGE INITIATIVES AND IDEAS for the development of future projects.

The event will be based on the principles of Non-Formal Education, encouraging the active engagement of participants. It will combine training sessions, workshops, personal reflections and, above all, spaces for sharing and connecting with other participants. Peer-to-peer learning among young people plays a very important role in the case of the Solidarity Projects and ample space will be devoted to presentations of tools and experiences. The main focus of the meeting will be to inspire and get inspired by peers, to learn from their mistakes and successes, and to find motivation in them.

In order to fully benefit from this experience, participants will be invited to reflect on how to use, adapt and transfer what they have learnt and discovered to their own realities, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the implementation of new Solidarity Projects and future collaborations.



Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for 50 participants

from ANDORRA, Armenia, Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth coaches, Solidarity projects team members, young people interested in setting up local initiatives..

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



INJUVE / NA SPAIN (National Agency) (National Agency)


  • Dirección General de Juventud. Comunidad de Madrid (National Agency)

Contact for questions:

María Cortes Luna Redondo


Phone: 917 82 76 00


Participation fee

This project is financed by the participating National Agencies of the European Solidarity Corps program.

The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre (SALTO) to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.

Accommodation and food

The Spanish National Agency will organise the accommodation and will cover all the costs for accommodation and food. 

Travel reimbursement

Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre in order to know whether they support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected/ having confirmed your participation, check with them the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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