European Training Calendar
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Training Course
18-27 May 2020 | Krusevac, Serbia
“Taking action against gender stereotypes and sexism in media” project is eight day long Training course using interactive, innovative and creative methods of non-formal education regarding gender stereotypes, sexism and gender-based hate speech in media. TC will gather 30 participants (youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers) from 10 Council of Europe member states.
The purpose of this project is to share and exchange different knowledge and experience, to discuss gender issue in media context and create plan to take action against gender stereotypes and sexism in media.
The main Aim of this project is to build capacity of youth organizations and youth workers in to support and empower young people to be agents for social change and combat gender-based stereotypes and sexism in ofline and online media.
Specific objectives:
- Building of key competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of youth workers/leaders to integrate different approach, tools and resources that promote gender equality in media content.
- To engage, connect and empower young people to use opportunities and tools to create and share media content which will promote and support respecting of human rights and gender equality.
- To improve the quality of youth work and NFL to more efficiently and extensively use innovative and creative tools in their everyday work and promote respect of human rights, equal opportunities, and gender equality
- To promote and improve international cooperation, exchange and capacity development of youth organizations and young people, in the field of gender perspective in media context.
During the project, participants will gain theoretical knowledge about the Gender equality and practical skills how to use media tools as effectively social intervention method in their youth work in their local communities towards meaningful social change.
Participants will learn how to use of line and on line media space to combat gender stereotypes, prejudices, sexism, and violence and hate speech and contribute to gender equality. Participants will create, practice and produce diverse media contents – radio shows, short movies and internet thematic texts.
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This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 30 participants
from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth activists
Working language(s):
Educational center - Krusevac (Youth NGO)
Educational center - Krusevac (ECK) through its activities is aimed at two areas of priorities:
• Implementation of lifelong non-formal citizen education in the field of democracy, civil society, human rights, the respect of differences, the culture of peace and non violence.
• Support of active participation of youth in social life of the community.
ECK activities in work with youth are primarily aimed at empowering youth to be active in their community through non-formal education, networking, advocacy and approaching European initiatives.
Contact for questions:
Ana Tomic
Phone: +381642860423
This project is funded by Council of Europe in the frame of European Youth Foundation. There is NO participation fee.
Accommodation, food and coffe breaks in the hotel will be fully covered by organizers.
Travel costs: 70% of actual travel costs will be reimbursed to participants by bank transfer after providing original travel documents. Participants are in charge of covering 30% of their travel costs.Please bear in mind that there is maximum allowed travel costs per participant from specific country.
Maximum amount of travel costs per participant per country (100% of travel costs can not be higher than following amount):
Serbia 30 Euros
Montenegro 60 Euros
Spain 270 Euros
Albania 150 Euros
Slovenia 150 Euros
Bosnia and Herzegovina 70 Euros
Croatia 120 Euros
Italy 270 Euros
Turkey 270 Euros
Poland 270 Euros