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Sustainable ImPACT 2

Training Course

24 August - 3 September 2024 | Czech Republic

Sustainable ImPACT 2 is a mobility for youth workers that aims to evolve youth work and sustainability trends by reducing waste overproduction through knowledge-sharing among youth workers, raising awareness, and exploring solutions for maximum impact.

The project is a follow-up on the project Sustainable ImPACT from 2022 reflecting on the most current needs in youth work as well as the latest tendencies in the field of sustainability. The second edition of the project emphasizes the intensity of the learning process and the dissemination activities.

The main idea behind the project origin was the need to adopt solutions to prevent overproduction among the young Europeans. One of the solutions as well as a mission for this project is for the new generations to develop their knowledge about sustainability as well as the green skills and sustainable practices that can be easily applied in their everyday lives, and so develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society. Therefore we plan to carry out the project for the youth workers to develop and exchange knowledge, green skills and practices and also skills to promote the project mission and disseminate them in their own communities, and so become the role models of the change.

The project therefore aims to:

1) improve knowledge of the youth workers about European environmental policies and understand the impact of human daily action on the environment;

2) develop sustainable practices and exchange their best practices with their international colleagues;

3) exchange ideas for developing sustainability related activities within their local youth work; 

4) equip the youth workers with efficient methods and tools for promotion of the project main mission 

5) strengthen cooperation among the European youth workers and their connections for future international projects

During the training, you will explore important environmental issues and sustainability topics through presentations and research. You will discuss these topics, backed by statistics and facts, to grasp their significance. Together we will delve into current issues like overproduction and lack of environmental awareness, examining their effects on society. Additionally, we'll highlight how sustainable practices can improve these situations. You will also review global and European policies related to environmental issues and discuss their implementation in national policies. We will share insights into local environmental challenges and the measures taken at various levels to address them.

During practical workshops, you will engage in practical and creative activities focusing on sustainability and green skills. From zero waste initiatives to DIY projects, you will explore innovative ideas that can be applied in your youth work activities. You will learn to repurpose old materials into useful objects and create everyday products at home using simple supplies. Through brainstorming and interactive sessions, you will discover sustainable approaches to daily life.

As a youth worker, you will have the opportunity to create online content to promote your activities and project mission. Sessions will cover movie-making, editing and creating engaging content like reels and interactive posts. The outcomes of these sessions will be used to disseminate the project's message effectively.

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 35 participants

from Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Working language(s):



Youth Progress, z. s. (Youth NGO)

We are a European organization “Youth Progress” and our mission is to provide opportunities for young people to develop and fulfill their potential.
We encourage and mediate the participation of young people in non-formal education activities on local and international levels and so support their personal and professional development and the more active and quality life of individuals and their communities.

Contact for questions:

Alexandra Šebestová


Phone: +420 777 717 447


Participation fee


Accommodation and food

All costs related to the participation are covered by the Erasmus+ program.

Travel reimbursement

Czech Republic = 23€

Bosnia, Romania, France, Italy = 275€

Armenia, Portugal = 360€

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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