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Social Transformation meets Community Work - Training Course

Training Course

7-14 September 2021 | Pesaro (Italy), Italy

The Training Course "Social Transformation meets Community Work" will gather in Pesaro, (Italy) 24 Youth Workers and it aims to strengthen their competences in developing transnational initiatives - in the frame of the European Solidarity Corps Programme.

The Training Course "Social Transformation meets Community Work" will empower the youth workers by strengthen their understanding of processes of social transformation and increasing their competences in developing transnational initiatives - in the frame of the European Solidarity Corps Programme (ESC) – that aim to contribute to foster social change in local communities across Europe.

Therefore, the youth workers will participate in a e-learning programme and one residential training course in Italy on social transformation, strategic planning and project development. As a result, the participants shall be enabled to design, implement and evaluate their own ESC projects tailored to the needs of their communities.

The educational programme of the project is based on the experience of organizers, partner organizations and experts involved in transformative community work.

Objectives of the project

 - To strengthen the understanding of youth workers on youth empowerment as a tool for social change

- To increase the use of systematic and long-term approaches to social change in community work

- To exchange good practices for youth empowerment work and social change among the participating organizations

- To establish transnational links between youth workers and translate them into project-based partnership for needs-based social transformation within the ESC framework

Themes addressed by the project:
- Youth empowerment and social transformation

- Needs based planning and long-term strategic planning

- ESC as a tool for transformative community work


The project shall result in the following:

- Competence development of 24 youth workers and young community leaders in youth empowerment for youth-led community development

- Integrating the use of specific tools for systematic and long-term approaches to community work within the partner organisations


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors

Working language(s):



Vicolocorto (Youth NGO)

VICOLOCORTO is an italian cultural youth association founded in 2006. It is non-profit and apolitical. The Association specializes in youth work and international mobility. It is based in Pesaro (Italy) and works at a regional level (Regione Marche) cooperating with private and public institutions.

The main feature of the association is the spirit and the offer of several international mobility opportunities in Europe (even if not only) for young people through European youth programs.

Furthermore, Vicolocorto is very active also locally thanks to events, workshops and English conversation meetings which are organized by youngsters for youngsters so that everybody can have a chance to prepare before going abroad.

In particular, the association deals with European Solidarity Corps (ESC) which is medium or long term voluntary work abroad (from some weeks to 12 months) funded by the European program Erasmus+. We both send Italian volunteers abroad and host young Europeans in our territory.

In order to fulfill its goals, the association VICOLOCORTO organizes the following activities in cooperation with Public Institutions, schools and other Associations:

European Solidarity Corps (ESC)
Volunteering projects in Europe funded by European Programs;

Hosting European Volunteers
We manage and coordinate volunteers in order to support local activities;

Intercultural Activities and International Mobility
Training opportunities at an international level in the Marche Region and abroad;

English Conversation Workshops
Non formal activities aimed at improving the practice of foreign languages;

Workshops and Activities inside Schools
Orientation around the opportunities of youth mobility and intercultural training;

Educational Activities
Thematic educational workshops addressed to young people;

Informational Activities
Consultation and orientation around the opportunities of international mobility with helpdesks at Informagiovani and Job Centers;

Research and realization of publications on formal education and on youth work quality at a European level.

Contact for questions:

Ms. Carolina Tenti


Phone: +39.0721.6303868


Participation fee

No participation fee

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and food will be provided by the organisers

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs to the venue and back will be reimbursed up to the maximum of the amount indicated below: 

Germany:  275 € per person
Estonia: 275 € per person
Spain: 275 € per person
France: 275 € per person
France (Martinique): 820 € per person
Portugal: 275 € per person

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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