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22-26 October 2014 | Padova, Italy
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This activity has already happened!
This Seminar is
for 33 participants
from Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Spain, Türkiye, United Kingdom
and recommended for
Trainers, Volunteering mentors
Working language(s):
Associazione Work in Progress (Youth NGO)
Work in Progress is a no profit organization that aims to give opportunities to youngsters and young adults to improve their key competences, to make mobility experiences in Europe and to contribute to the build up of a society based on respect of diversity. In order to reach this goal, we strongly believe that young people have the necessity not only to be involved in formal trainings, but also to deepen other aspects such as solidarity, interculturality, differences, european citizenship, volunteering and all that subjects which are mostly neglected in the formal training programmes. The organisation is based in Padova, a north east italian city with a high level of industrial development and, by consequence, a high number of immigrants.
Work in Progress has been established by expertise in the field of education and training that have been involved in the YiA since 2005.
Even if the organisation has been recently established, it is already very active hosting beneficiaries of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme, participating in Grundtvig and in many activities of the Youth in Action. In the projects, our main focus is learning to learn, youth employability and social inclusion.
From 2014, we are very active in Erasmus+, both Youth and Adult fields.
Contact for questions:
Giulia Mastropirro
Phone: +393331353750