European Training Calendar
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Training Course
7-15 April 2020 | Apuseni Mountains , Romania
'Seeds of Transformation' is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by Actions for Change association which includes a training course that will be held in the mountains of Romania.
The purpose of ‘Seeds of Transformation’ is to meaningfully and impactfully shape and reinvent the resources and competences of youth workers in order to contribute to building healthy human communities and life-enhancing societies.
If what we want is blooming and healthy communities, the most essential aspect is to educate our youth who have the capacity to grow into true, competent and authentic adults.
‘Seeds of Transformation’ will offer the knowledge and skill to foster optimal human development for hard to reach young people, including migrants and immigrants.
The eco-soulcentric human development methods and practices which are going to be explored in this training will enable the participants to cultivate their innate human wholeness, meaningly their resources, authenticity and imagination.
Planting the ‘Seeds of Transformation’ through the following practices:
Nature-based practices - immersions in nature to reconnect and claim and (re)discover our innate human wholeness;
Mindfulness - maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment;
Storytelling - exploring inspiring and transformative myths and legends and the art of telling stories;
Soul Poetry - exploring the mysteries of what it means to be human through metaphor, the language of Soul;
Singing and drumming - Tapping into the natural ability, ancient and primal way of belonging that we humans have been using since our earliest times;
Embodiment/Dance - Authentic Movement, Dance of Wholeness, Open Floor Movement;
Drawing - diving deep into the source of our own imagination - free and abstract drawing
Mind-Body-Heart awakening - meditation practices and guided visualisations;
The methodology will be experienced at a personal level and also finding a translation of applying it in the youth field, especially with hard to reach young people.
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This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 24 participants participants
from Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Spain
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches
Working language(s):
Actions for Change (Youth NGO)
Contact for questions:
Sandra Horea
Phone: +40726504487
We are inviting you to contribute to Actions for Change's future local projects by making a donation from 40 to 80 Euros based on personal financial possibilities (the donation is optional).
Materials, activities, accommodation and food are 100% covered by the Erasmus+ grant.
The travelling costs (plane, train, bus) are also covered and will be reimbursed to the participants after the course up to this limit:
Romania 20 Euros/ person
Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, 275 Euros/ person
Portugal, Spain 360 Euros/ person
We encourage you to use eco-friendly transportation.