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“Rainbow of Desires: Exploring Inner Liberation through Theatre”

Training Course

22-31 May 2024 | Balestrand, Norway

The main goal of this training is to build the capacity of youth workers to use the Theatre of the Oppressed methodology, specifically Rainbow of Desires.

“We must all do theatre – to find out who we are, and to discover who we could become.”
– Augusto Boal

Theatre of the Oppressed

Theatre of the Oppressed is a collective rehearsal for reality. The main idea of this methodology is to create a space for people to experience how a change in a decision, attitude, and behaviour or thinking pattern can have a powerful and significant impact on their lives and/or the lives of people around them. Through an interactive and thought-provoking approach, it provides a space for people to reflect, identify solutions to the problems they face in their own lives and get empowered to transfer them into their lives. 

These methods are currently used in more than 100 countries. They are present in the youth field, with many youth workers using them in various communities, addressing different types of oppression. They are very generous in approaching holistically problems in our societies, from a very personal awareness and empowerment to a more structural and systemic intervention.  Many practitioners are specialised predominantly in one type of intervention or only some of the methods under this umbrella and this training program can complete their work approaches. 

The main goal of the project is to develop life skills and emotional resilience among youth by building the capacity of youth workers to use the Theatre of the Oppressed methodology, specifically Rainbow of Desires. 

The Rainbow of Desires Method

  • This method mainly tackles inner oppression, which exists within us from various past events and relationships. It deals with conflicting needs, desires and wants among individuals and explores power relations and collective solutions to concrete problems.
  • It does not require exposure to an audience. (there is no performance shown to an external public – all the work is happening within the group of actors themselves) 
  • It is designed mainly for a personal inner process within a trustworthy group, which encourages the group members to empower themselves (by reducing or eliminating inner oppression) through different exercises (mainly based on Image Theatre techniques).
  • The main characteristic of the Image Theatre method is that it works with body statues/postures (images) to depict aspects related to oppression in certain forms. This technique can be used as a supporting exercise in the process of development of the other methods (Forum, Rainbow of Desires etc.) or as a separate method in interaction with the audience.

Participants can expect to gain:

  • A solid understanding of the principles and values that define Theatre of the Oppressed methodology.
  • Increased awareness of how Theatre of the Oppressed methods are being used in various countries and what impact they have on young people.
  • Fundamentals of the application and enactment of a variety of Image Theatre techniques
  • Specific Exercises from Rainbow of Desires techniques for externalizing internalized conflicts, oppression and struggles and for addressing various forms of external manifestation such as apathy, passivity, low confidence, insecurity, etc.
  • A good understanding of the application of the introspective techniques and the games and exercises that underpin them
  • Experience of mindfulness-based and reflective approaches to support self-awareness and increase emotional resilience
  • Methods of opening up and holding spaces for exploring the emotional dimensions of youth work experience – including dealing with strong and difficult emotions
  • Techniques for observation and understanding of the systems we live in
  • Tools which integrate embodied approaches to personal and group change.

Methodology of the training course 

The learning process will be very practical, and hands-on, infused with specific games, exercises, and activities from the Theatre of the Oppressed methodology (from the books published by Augusto Boal, as well as other experienced practitioners in the field in the last decades). ​It is based on the total involvement of participants who will be active protagonists of their learning and live an educational experience centred on their own experiences.

To best understand the real-life power of these methods, the content of most of the theatre exercises will come directly from participants’ personal and collective life experiences.

The learning process will be guided and facilitated by an experienced team: 

Andreea-Loredana Tudorache has been working with Theatre of the Oppressed since 2005, trained numerous practitioners around the world and authored several manuals on these methods. (http://trainers.salto-youth.net/AndreeaLoredanaTudorache )

Tuba Ardic is the Director of Creative Connection, a Trainer at the National Agency of Norway and an active mentor, trainer,  facilitator and social researcher since 2010. She is also trained in Psychodrama and has worked with Theatre of the Oppressed Methods since 2016

Elena Stevkovska has been a youth worker, Theatre of the Oppressed facilitator and trainer since 2021 (https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/toy/elena-stevkovska.6009/ ) 

Do you resonate with this course and want to be part of it? This is who we are looking for: 

  • Members or close collaborators of  active Youth Organization (staff or active member, paid or not). The organization should have a valid OID number.
  • Previous experience as a practitioner in the Theatre of the Oppressed field (facilitated processes with youth/for youth based on any of the following methods: Forum, Legislative, Newspaper, Invisible) 
  • Enthusiastic youth workers who are motivated to use Theatre of the Oppressed techniques to increase the emotional resilience of youth and youth workers
  • Willingness to be open and share your personal current or past experiences of oppression
  • Good command of the English language
  • People older than 18 years and with a legal residence (proven by documents) in the country they are currently residing in. 

Important Notes! Read them before deciding to apply! 

  • This training program is designed for youth workers who are experienced in the Theatre of the Oppressed field! This means people who have used and applied in their communities and with young people Forum, Newspaper, Legislative or Invisible Theatre. It is important to make the distinction of you being a participant in another learning process where any of these methods have been used and you actually using these methods in your community.  If you have some experience and you are not sure if this program suits your learning needs, write to us!
  • This learning journey is not a psychotherapy process even though it may have personal development outcomes! This is a training course which aims to give you an intensive learning experience in which you will experience the power and impact of Theatre of the Oppressed methods on yourself and get empowered so you can later on apply them with the groups you are working it.  It doesn’t have a therapeutic aim, and it is not designed to give you emotional or professional support for different challenges you may be facing at the moment, for which you may need to engage in a specific professional therapy process in your context). 
  • Rainbow of Desires methods can be deep, powerful, emotional and challenging and it is based on personal stories and life experiences of the participants. The expert team is there to provide a safe space for you to learn how to use Theatre of the Oppressed methods in your community. You need to assess if you feel ready to engage in such an intensive journey, and if you have the emotional availability and strength to immerse in such a process. Take a responsible decision, before you decide to apply and have realistic expectations.  

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth Councilors, Mentors, Psychologists, Mental health professionals, Social Theatre Practitioners

Working language(s):



Creative Connections (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Elena Stevkovska


Phone: +40790599173


Participation fee

No participation fee


Accommodation and food

Board and lodging for the training course are fully covered by the local organizers during the period mentioned in shared rooms (3-4 people in one room). 

Travel reimbursement

Each participant is free to choose the preferred way of travelling. We strongly encourage the use of green travel. If flights are used for more than 50% of the travel distance the maximum budget allocated available will be from standard travel! 

Use this website (https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/resources-and-tools/distance-calculator ) to find out your distance. Write at the START, your location, from where you will start your travel and at the END, Balestrand, Norway. You will get a km number as a result which will correspond to financial support which you may get for your travel costs.

The individual maximum budget allowance for travel, per person, is the following:

10 – 99 km             23 EUR (Standard Travel) / No Green Travel Available

100 – 499 km 180 EUR (Standard Travel) / 210 EUR (Green Travel)

500 – 1999 km 275 EUR (Standard Travel) / 320 EUR (Green Travel)

2000 – 2999 km 360 EUR (Standard Travel) / 410 EUR (Green Travel)

3000 – 3999 km 530 EUR (Standard Travel) / 610 EUR (Green Travel)

4000 – 7999 km 820 EUR (Standard Travel) / No Green Travel Available

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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