Project Factory - Training course to develop cross-sectorial projects for youth at risk and in NEET situation
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Project Factory - Training course to develop cross-sectorial projects for youth at risk and in NEET situation
Training Course
17-22 October 2016 | Riga, Latvia
Training course on cross-sectorial project development, involving and targeting youth at risk and in NEET situation.
This training course will bring together 30 different stakeholders (formal, non-formal, social & business sector) to develop partnerships and projects involving and targeting youth at risk and in NEET situation.
If you have experience in working on the issue of vulnerable young people in NEET situations (either face-to-face workers as well as managers/decision makers), or seeking to develop new projects in this area, then is this training course for you!
General aim:
To create bridges and sustainable cooperation between the youth and other sectors in order to increase the number of young people at risk and in NEET situation in E+: Youth in Action programme and create better opportunities for them.
This will be done by helping participants to find other partners and connect with them to develop new projects for young people in NEET situations
• To make a better use of the Erasmus+:Youth in Action programme, especially of Youth Exchanges, EVS and Key Action 2 in addressing the issues that youth at risk and NEET are facing.
• To find new partners, explore possibilities and develop cross-sectorial partnership projects for youth at risk & in NEET situation
• To develop Erasmus+:Youth in Action project management skills
• To exchange about possible ways to work together and methods to intervene
• To get to know different realities and share good practices
Profile of participants:
Professionals with experience working on the issue of vulnerable young people in NEET situations (face-to-face workers as well as managers/decision makers). International experience or experience of Erasmus+ is not a must.
• Youth workers (grassroots – involved in outreach youth work and directly working with youth at risk and in NEET situation)
• Teachers, school support staff, alternative education staff, vocational programme staff,…
• Social workers, representatives of social services
• Local authorities/policy makers responsible for social provision
• Employers, apprenticeships programmes, employment agencies, job centres, job clubs, job coaches…
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Training overview
This activityhas already happened!
This Training Course is
for 30 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Anyone with experience working on the issue of vulnerable young people in NEET situations (either face-to-face workers as well as managers/decision makers).
Working language(s):
SALTO Inclusion and the Latvian National Agency for the E+: Youth in Action programme (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Marija Kljajic
Phone: +3222090720
Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.
Hosting costs will be covered by the Latvian NA & SALTO Inclusion. In case your are selected, the sending costs for participants will be reimbursed by the sending NAs. Please check the financial conditions with your sending National Agency.
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass: